“Hi baby girl. You’re giving daddy a hard time aren’t you?” I asked her. She just smiled and giggled a bit

“Hey don’t laugh at your daddy. He is trying to put clothes on you but you are squirming all over the place.” Harry laughed. His laughing made Darcy laugh, which made me laugh. As Darcy was laughing I quickly put on her little purple and white-stripped onesie.

“They’re all done. Now you be good for daddy. Mommy has to go call Mimi (Allie’s moms nickname for Darcy)” I smiled and kissed her tiny feet.

“Wait Harry do you know what she wanted to talk about?” I asked Harry.

“Yeah something about the wedding I think.” He smiled. I nodded my head and went to call her back.

Harry’s POV

Well Allie sure has the trick into distracting Darcy to get her dressed. I will have to try that whenever she isn’t sitting still. A squirming baby while trying to change her diaper or clothes does not make them an easy task. I picked Darcy up and put her on the floor on her stomach so she could roll around. I sat next to her and took my phone out. I went through a bunch of my mentions on Twitter and took a look at Tumblr. I love our fans so much, but sometimes they take things way to far. I mean the whole Larry Stylinson thing is ridiculous. Louis and I are just great friends and that is it. Louis is in love with Eleanor and I’m in love with Allie. We aren’t in love with each other. It was funny at first, but now it just pisses Louis and I off.

As I was about to text Grimmy about him coming over for dinner I heard a loud crash. I picked Darcy up off the floor and buckled her into her swing before running over to where I heard the noise. As I entered the kitchen I saw Allie sitting on the floor holding her stomach. I could hear her mum yelling through the phone. I ran over to Allie and saw that her stitches opened. She was bleeding pretty good. I started to panic, so I picked up the phone (Allie’s mum was on)

“ALLIE!” I heard her shout through the phone.

“It’s Harry. Her stitches popped out and she is bleeding.” I said panicked.

“Harry hang up with me and call the ambulance.” She said.

“Okay I will call you as soon as I know what the hell happened.” I said.

“Okay thank you. Keep my baby girl safe Harry. Bye” She said then hung up.

“I will.” I said to myself. I quickly called 999 and an ambulance was on its way. I put my hand on Allie’s face to push the hair out of it when I felt she was burning up. I noticed she looked a little pale this morning but I didn’t think it was anything to worry about.

“Allie? Babe can you hear me?” I asked Allie who was sitting on the floor with her eyes closed. I heard her mumble something, but didn’t know what she said. Well at least she can hear me.

“The ambulance is on it’s way okay. Just hang out okay?” I pleaded. She moved her hand that was in mine to tell me she heard me. I kissed her forehead then the paramedics came rushing in.

“IN THE KITCHEN!” I shouted to let them know where we were. AS soon as I shouted Darcy started crying.

“Sir we got her go get the baby.” One of the men said. I shook my head and kissed Allie’s hand before going to get Darcy. I picked her up and started bouncing her lightly on my hip. AS I did that I heard the commotion in the kitchen, so I decided I should call someone to watch Darcy while I go with Allie to the hospital.


Allie and I had been in the hospital for about 30 minutes now. I haven’t been able to see her since we got here. I have no idea what is going on and I’m terrified she has an infection. I mean what else could it be? As soon as I asked myself that question the doctor came out to the waiting room to talk to me.

“Mr. Styles?” he said. I stood up and shook his hand.

“How is Allie is she okay? Does she have an infection?” I rambled.

“Sir Allie is…………..


CLIFF HANGER HAHAHAHA sorry I couldn’t resist on this one either. Every once in a while a cliffhanger is okay right? Okay so really I only stopped it here, because it was a good stopping point for this chapter, so the next chapter flows nicely. Hope you aren’t all to angry at me…….


What is wrong with Allie?

She seemed fine one minute and passed out bleeding the next?

Does she have an infection?


Is it something else?

How will Harry handle the stress of Allie being sick and in the hospital again?

Leave a comment and let me know!


Don’t forget to VOTE as well….


Any who I will be posting the next chapter tomorrow so keep a look out for it…


Lot’s of Love,


It All Started With A Tattoo Book 2 (2'nd book of Harry Styles FanFic Series)Where stories live. Discover now