Chapter 3

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"I don't want to do this, mamá." She complains.

Her mother glares at her. "You would let them get away with what they fucking did? To your papá me."

The woman sighs. "No, I won't, mamá." She flushes away every emotion.

She loves him, and she loves her.

"Good, now go. I want revenge. You want revenge."

She nods, walking away to her destination. "Familia," she inhales. "Always." (Family)



My mom cups my face. "Be careful, Mon cherie. Don't let the women distract you."

I scoff, smiling. "Anything for you, mom."

My mom nods, moving on to Cesar. "Don't be lazy, boy. Please don't sleep on the job."

Cesar nods. "Yes, ma, I promise."

"Ares, take your meds, ok? You're not crazy. I get worried when you don't. They help you aim straight."

Ares nods. "I will."

Mom smiles and moves to Gideon, who hugs her.

Such a bitchy mommy's boy.

"Gideon, food poison is real. Remember the story I told you."

Gideon nods. "Yea, you got poisoned once."

My mom nods, kissing his head and walking toward Victoria. "Victoria, take care of your reckless brothers."

Victoria smiles, nodding. "Yes, mummy."

Mom stands in front of us. "I love you all. Don't kill yourselves, or I'll resurrect you and kill you myself."

We all nod.

The elders have to go with the kids. Dad had no problem with it. As long as mom's going, he's going.

"Here." My dad gives me a suitcase.

I furrow my brows. "You need help with this–"

"No, it's a gift, dumbass."

Cesar gasps. "Y–you're giving us a gift?"

My dad rolls his eyes. "You don't fucking want it?"

I grab the suitcase. "No, we want it."

"Иди помоги мне, мальчик." (Come help me, boy.) My grandpa calls out to my dad.

My mom gives us one last kiss and goes to help grandpa onto the plane with dad. Grandpa waves to us as they leave.

"I wonder what that is," Victoria asks.

"We'll see when we get home," Ares says, going out to smoke.

"Ivan, I told you to stop getting shot." Aunt Brandi says, softly rubbing his cast.

"I'm sorry, ma." He apologizes.

She sighs. "Don't die on me. Your father doesn't want to meet you yet." She picks up her suitcase. "Take care, Burgundy. Make sure your brothers behave."

Burgundy nods, wiping a tear. "Ok, mommy."

"After this, I'll buy you a pomeranian, just like you wanted, ma." Iskander smiles.

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