Chapter 1

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Ten years ago, we led an operation to kill Cillian's ex-girlfriend, Delora, as soon as she had given birth. We knew she'd be hardcore if she were confident enough to wait for all of us to fucking aim a gun correctly, but we weren't going to wait. Nine months after that dinner, Cillian, Ivan, Iskander, and I went to the hospital to kill her, but all that was left was a baby girl on the hospital bed and a note that read....

You won't kill me....I'm not as stupid as my father was.

At least she didn't underestimate us....whatever the bitch abandoned her baby and left without a trace.

Fast forward ten years, and we almost fucking forget about that ho.

It's my mom's fiftieth birthday party, and I just arrived. I went to Russia five years ago with Cesar to sort the rats and competition and stayed there cause why not? There were an abundant amount of women to fuck, so I was content, but then my father threatened to come to Russia and shove a stick up my ass if I didn't come back and see my I'm back.

"I hope they got some good food up in there," Cesar says as we walk inside.

I roll my eyes. "You sound like Gideon."

My little brother, Gideon, always plays video games and eats food but never gains a single pound.

"And you sound like a bitch. Leave me alone." He retorts.

I shake my head, chuckling at him. "So violent."

Cesar sighs. "Save that for Ares." He fixes his suit. "Hey, ma, damn, you showed up!"

My mother turns around, and her face brightens. "My babies! Oh my god, you've grown so much."

My father scoffs. "They look the same."

Cesar and I brush him off. Same old dad pretending he doesn't like us.

My mom still looks young; despite having five kids, she looks beautiful and not worn out.

I'm surprised...I was sure your father would fuck her to death.

I don't want to think about my mom and dad fucking..., please.

"You look beautiful, mom." I smile as she hugs me.

"Thank you both. I've been having fun since your sister moved out."

We and dad get to have sex everywhere in the house now.

I remember being twelve and promising my mom that I would wake up myself and get ready for school, but I slept through my alarm. Meanwhile, my mom and dad think I'm not in the house, and I witness my mom being fucked up by my father.

I just can't seem to get that shit out of my fucking head.

It was traumatizing. I was still an innocent little boy.

Please, that search history said otherwise.

"Where's the rest of them?" Cesar asks.

Mom sighs, rolling her eyes. "Gideon insisted on picking them up with his broken-down car. He doesn't want to let it go."

I snort. "You shouldn't have gotten him a ten-year-old car, mom."

Mom shoves dad. "It was your dad's idea. He already spent a lot buying you first three teslas." My dad decides to remove himself from this conversation, going to pour himself a vodka.

Yup, I'm spoiled, so what? I'm the firstborn.

But Cesar and Ares got a tesla too. What's your point?

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