Chapter 26: A Brief respite. (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

Melissa rubbed her temples and sighed, "Speak for yourself. Kyle do you have any liqueur?"

"Umm no, but wouldn't that just make it worse?" Kyle asked confused.

"You would think but it's surprisingly effective. This will have to do," she drained her coffee in one go and released a tense breath from the exhilarating kick. "Better but I'm probably not going to be doing anything extreme for a while."

A sudden tick echoed in Kyle's mind. It was a memory of a room filled with laughter, among it some bright haired individuals. Then it came to morning and he saw a red haired women puking into a bucket as he placed his hand on top her head.

Without noticing Kyle had already reached out his hand and touched Melissa's hair. Before she could even react a gentle glow spread between them.

"Eh-ah!" Melissa widened her eyes unsure what was happening but as the light faded she suddenly stood up. "Oh wow, I feel great!"

"Hang on!" Valandus struck his gaze to Kyle who flinched. "What did you just do? Why didn't you do it to me?"

Kyle blinked and stared at his hand, though he used the magic he suddenly couldn't remember how he had done it, "Sorry I don't know."

"Oh I see how it is," Valandus moped. "Playing favourites you womaniser. Is that what your new get up is about as well? Trying to charm Melissa too?"

"N-No! That's- I just did it on instinct."

"So it was instinct? Kyle you player."

"Ha! Sucks to be you," Melissa poked out her tongue towards the driver.

Before the bickering could continue, Lillia broke between them, "Both of you cut it out." She looked at her hand and then at Kyle. She aimed her fingers towards Valandus' forehead, "Here." A flash of light burst.

"Yeoah, my eyes!" Valandus hit the ground covering his eyes. He suddenly stopped. "Oh, I feel pretty good." He moved to a stand and brushed himself off, "Where did you two learn that? Though Kyle's version honestly looked a lot more comfortable."

Lillia shrugged, "I saw Kyle do it and I kind of understood how, as for Kyle... we can't say."

"And were back to the secrets," he sighed. "Fine, fine. I swear though if the Captain says it's above my paygrade I'm never going to get another proper nights rest."

"Which means I doubt I'd hear it either," Melissa laughed, but unlike Valandus it was clear she wasn't too bothered. "On the other hand Kyle, don't you think your father is taking a while?"

"Yeah he is," Kyle looked to the door. The morning deliveries didn't usually take too long and he doubted, especially now, that anything could stop his father. As if on cue however the jingle of the shop's front bell chimed and not long after the baker entered the dining room.

"My apologies for taking a while," he bowed his head to the room's occupants. "I was sorting out a few things with the Mayor. I'll be ready to head off tomorrow."

"Oh are you coming with us Mr Barker?" Melissa asked.

"Not quite," from the atmosphere of the room he could tell that the two officers didn't know. "I will be heading to the Capital but I have a few things to take care of first. I assume you'll be leaving tomorrow as well?"

Kyle nodded, "Yes. We only had a few days so we'll have to leave early tomorrow to hopefully get back to the Capital by evening."

"And if we're lucky we'll get an extra holiday," Valandus grinned.


"For the last incursion. A four day break so the Hero's Guard can head back home and relax."

"Really? That's the first I've heard of it."

"Well for you it wouldn't change much and it's usually only a day or two but considering what happened last time, we could all use the downtime."

Arvel raised his eyebrows, "Last time?"

"It wasn't anything too serious," Lillia replied a little too quickly. "Just a few more demons than usual."

"A few? The-," Valandus would have continued gabbing if it weren't for Melissa who had caught on.

With a firm grip she yanked the driver from his seat and rubbed his head forcefully, "Oh you, don't bore Kyle's dad with anymore stories. We'll leave you three again and head for a walk."

"Those two are quite close," Arvel noted. "Is everyone in the Hero's Guard like that nowadays?"

Kyle shook his head and waved his hand, "No, that's just Valandus. Though he's actually pretty high ranked, you wouldn't be able to tell normally. Mellissa's also pretty easy going too."

Lillia huffed, "Yep, our division aside, most the Hero's Guard are pretty serious and responsible people."

Arvel smiled, "It eases my heart knowing that the organisation stands strong. To be honest I'm almost afraid to head back. So much has changed to the point I wonder if they would remember me. The only face anyone knows now is a helmet." He wiped his face and breathed, "Sorry look at this old man getting nerved. How about you two take a walk as well. I'll look after the bakery."

"But-," Kyle began but a hand pressed against his shoulder.

"We'll have plenty of time to talk later, the most important stuff has already been said." His soft smile turned to a grin, "Now go. I can tell you two are basically always being watched. Go have some fun alone. I won't tell anyone."

"Thanks dad," Kyle stood up and took Lillia's hand.

He laughed, "It's both familiar and strange hearing you call me that. Though I guess this evens things out."

"What do you mean?"

"Several centuries ago our situations were reversed actually. Estile used to be my mother. It's strange I know but that's for later. Now go!" He pushed the two out the store. With them gone and the store empty the flaxen haired man sat down behind the counter and heaved a breath both heavy and relieved. "Can I really still do this?" He shook himself. "No, I owe it to all of you to keep going. Not until the end."

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