Chapter 8

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I was about to attend a patient.. But I got interfered,  by the buzzer on my phone.. Izzy called me and said everything.. I don't know what's going on with Magnus and what's happening around less than 10 minutes I reach the cops station.. I saw Luke pacing outside the cabin… "where is magnus??" I asked and tried to open the door… 

"Wait!!! This man Henry! is the worst person I ever knew… he is not letting anyone in.. We can hear them from here.. Just calm down and sit down alec don't make it an issue.." he said… "What do you want me to do? … to just sit down and watch him threaten my magnus??" I asked… "Alec, he has video evidence but it's not clear… the case is still on our side.. So if you don't control your anger.. Magnus is the one going to suffer" he said to convince me…..I don't want to risk my magnus life and I don't have strength to live away from him, again 

I sat next to him and put my hands on my head, I tried to hear their conversations… "I know you are using your wolf hearing… Please be quiet .. He said so many lewd words, I am happy that you are not here to listen to all of that.. but Magnus handled him really well, so don't mess it up ." Luke said, squeezing my hand..I sat still but I can't resist the urge to listen to what's happening to him… he answered everything in his own way.. Hearing that he gave birth in the vendor house alone makes me shiver and breaks my heart.. When he gives birth to max.. I still remember how much he screams and how hard he squeezed my hand.. I can still feel that pain… I tried hard not to cry… why should he choose this life.. What he is gonna get in suffering all alone when he is in labor… a lot of questions running through my mind.. But I don't have an answer for anything.. My thoughts were interrupted by threatening words.. ( "magnus!! I know you are an ex lawyer.. And I know you are tricking me… that's hot and tempting in some ways.. but I will put that aside… I don't want to deal with you in my way…")...on hearing that I lost my control "son of bitch" I said and I was about to break the door… 

Luke stopped me.. "what?? You want me to stay Here and watch someone misbehaving with my man when I am fucking siting outside the room… I am not that type of person.. Let me go" I said and next minute we both heard a magnus whining sound.. Luke took his hands away and let me go.. Raising his hands upright in the air…. "I am not stopping you now!!! " he said and moved away.. 

Once I got inside I saw him pulling magnus hair behind… I growl in anger… I know my eyes are changing into red… that bastard took his hands away when he saw my eyes… Magnus was looking down.. I can see he is releasing a heavy breath like he is holding it for too long… "true alpha!!" he mumbled and looked at magnus.. Magnus straightened up from his position.. "the one who marked me!!" he said it like a whisper but I can hear that he is stating it in a mocking way.. 

"Who the hell are you??" he asked… I looked at Magnus and the CCTV footage.. I closed my eyes and calmed myself not to make things complicated.. And I promised myself to deal with it in my own way  later … "I am his husband!! Alec lightwood bane" I said, raising my eyebrows… "so… what??? Get out… can't you see the inquiry is going on? .." he asked.. "It doesn't look like an inquiry… the words you used and the way you are treating him.. Are there any rules.. You can handle someone like this…" I asked… "feeling pity for your omega.?" he asked… "he had a name…" I said annoyingly.. 

"hey!!! Who are you to question me.. And first of all, who gave you permission to come inside my room??" he asked standing in front of me.. He is shorter than me.Blonde hair, green eyes, well built.. He is an alpha.. "and who gave you the permission to lay your hands on my man like this.. Do you have an arrest warrant… you are inquiring about a suspect that's all.. I can file a complaint against you right here and right now.. Do you want that?" I said,.. "Got this much courage because your husband is an ex-lawyer??" he said looking magnus up and down… magnus  is staring at him without even blinking.. "correction!!! He is not an ex-lawyer. He is still in practice but under maternity leave.. You are behaving like this with the person who gave birth just 7 days ago.'' I Said and took a step forward, I just wanted to choke him when I  saw him looking at Magnus like some kind of  meal … but Magnus interrupted us… 

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