Chapter 5

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💜Chapter 5 💜


I was getting ready for my work, well Max too, he wanted to join me today… he combed his hair and messed it up by seeing his face in front of the mirror.. He is doing exactly like me… now I know why Magnus didn't miss me for all these days .. He has a ditto of me with him all the time… maybe I am the one who misses him a lot.. I thought and I ran my finger on the wolf picture on the wall.. That's the first drawing Magnus did about me.. Big bad wolf that's how he calls me… and I remember that on the same evening we kissed for the first time.. Still his lips and kisses were the same.. The lips I felt last night were the same as the ones I tasted for the first time.. 

Max ran to Magnus' room to show his outfit. He believes that his papa is perfect in fashion… it's been long, he went to show magnus .. But Max wasn't out of the room.. "max!!! I am getting late, come fast!!" I shouted, from the living room… I saw Magnus coming out taking Max's hand.. Max looked upset and Magnus was about to say something… but I ignored him… 

"Max, come on!!! Let's go ''. I said and took Max's hand… '' Max is not going anywhere… (he gave a pause) out…" he finished… again I don't mind what he said… I dragged him with me and he was ready to go with me…" don't take max anywhere out "he said again but this time it's a little bit  stern…" he is my son.. I don't need your permission to take him with me "I said and took Max's hand… before I could open the door.." If you are not listening to me then I will leave again "he said all tenses and nervous …he tested my patience.. I can't control it… I kicked the waise in the showcase stand in anger and it broke into pieces.. I was at the edge .. If he stood next to me.. I would have slapped him but I closed my eyes and tried to control my anger…I looked at Max and was terrified… I kneel down infront of Max and whisper… "Some other day, okay…!!!" I said politely… I didn't wait for his answer, I just left.. That's what I can do right now… 

But something about his behavior bothers me… why I can't take max out.. What?? He doesn't trust me?? Bullshit… I know he trusts me with his life but what is there to say that word.. "Leaving "again…. God gave me the strength to control my temper… I mumbled throughout the way to the lawn… then I knew, I left my car  keys… I walked back and heard Izzy saying something" shit!!!? Magnus… drop that down.. "she said, her voice sounds  panic and worried 

I opened the door quite fast and saw Magnus' hand was bleeding, he was collecting the broken waise from the floor …" shit "I threw my bag away, I took his hand, I was cursing him.. I don't even realize that I am doing this.. I was supposed to stay mad after what happened minutes ago " did anyone ask you to do that? .. Why are you doing  this?Look, you are a bleeding .. "I asked without my knowledge and dragged him to the wash bin in the kitchen.. I show his cut hand on the water to rinse it properly so he can't get much sepsis or infection …I took a clean cloth from the cupboard..'' hold it upright "I said and wrapped the clean cloth around his wound… I stopped acting like a fool once I realized magnus gaze was fixed  on me… I saw him straight into his eyes, it's like a friction which drags me close to his face and my knees go weak … his eyes were literally challenging gravity… I shook my head and I let his hand go and walked away from him… I saw Izzy seeing us with a smug smirk on her face.. 

I stood next to izzy "help him with a bandaid" i said and crossed her not before kissing max on his cheeks who is sitting on izzy's arms, he is happy I don't know why? . "ahaan" izzy smirked at me.. I turned around and gave a death glare to her… "I am not the  person who watches someone suffer " I said and walked away.. 


Me, Clary and Max were sitting on the couch.. We were playing and I was cutting his nails.."your claws are bigger like your father's " I said…"claws.. Isn't that nails??that's how papa says" he said and I corrected it… "yes nails… I am sorry" I said…. "don't be, aunt izzy !I love you !" he said and pecked my cheeks.. I smiled at him… clary was busy looking at his neck… 

"any new experiments??" I asked her sarcastically… "No, actually what is this mark on his neck?" she asked… I was about to take a look… but I got distracted when I heard Magnus' voice "izzy!!" .. I stood on my feet and gave him a weak smile.. He wasn't looking at me properly.. "Can you look after Raphael for 10 minutes.. He is sleeping… I want  to buy  something" he said and he looked away… I hate this distance between me and magnus.. "sure!!" I said and I could feel a different smell.. 

"thanks'' magnus said and walked away… "magnus wait!!!" I said and walked towards him… "are you in heat??" I asked him.. He nodded hesitantly…now I know where he is going.. "really??? Are you Going to get a suppressor??" I asked, raising my eyebrows…

 "izzy…!!!" he trailed off and nodded in return…"max can you bring me some water from the kitchen" clary asked max.. I know Why she did it…once Max ran away..she started . "God!!! Magnus if Alec comes to know this.. He definitely gets hurt even more…he hurts you because he loves you that much, you hurted him that much … just take this chance and talk to him magnus please " clary said…. 

"What do you want me to talk about, biscuit ..??? Like forget everything that has happened in the past 2 months. Forget the pain I gave to you and I am on my heat, so fuck me.???you want me to ask like that??? No.i can't . I hurted him enough… I don't want to pressure him on anything about me.. Besides I don't sleep with someone who doesn't even want to see my face" he said and approached the door… "magnus let me come with you" I said… "don't worry.. I won't run away again or else any of you go out and buy this for me.that could be a favour too " he said, I know how he feels right now …

 "Magnus go!!! I will take care of Raphael" I said and he disappeared behind the door.. We don't know What to say.. I saw him from the terrace. He already pulled his hoodie over his head and zipped till his nose.. I am sure it's Alec's hoodie and his forehead was covered only His eyes are visible.. He was walking casually but his head was down to earth… and that's definitely not our magnus!! He always have an attitude when he walks around… it looks suspicious to me 

After 10minutes he came back home.. Raphael was still Sleeping.. I saw a medicine cover in magnus hand.. He thanked me and went inside his room… max was sleeping in his room already.. He locked the door behind… 


when I came Back.. A pleasant smell of herbs welcomes me home. That's my favorite smell…I was smiling on that smile.. But after a minute, I realize what is happening.. I walked really fast to my room and sat on the bed.. I know this smell could make me dizzy.. But it's too much today.. I was holding my head and controlling myself… 

I heard a knock in the door.. So I straightened myself and tried to act normal.. "hey!!" Izzy came in.. I smiled nervously… "coffee??? How was your day??" she asked.. Since magnus left.. Izzy is the one who kept on asking me such things.. When Magnus is with me… It's casual talk. Like he always asks about my day during our cuddle or immediately asks once I get back home.. It depends on my Mood… he knows me well…

" yeah it's Good..and yes I Need a strong coffee" I said holding my head.. The smell consumed me again… she nodded and patted my shoulder before she left… "izzy!!" I called her politely… she knows What I am going to ask.. "Is Magnus…. Is Magnus in heat??? Can't you smell it?" I asked her.. "yes I did smell before but not now" she said and i don't understand her words … "what the hell.. He doesn't want to talk to me about it???" I asked in anger and I walked fast to his room but Izzy stopped me there… "wait!!!" … "Izzy let me go," I said, closing my eyes… "control your anger alec!! You said that you don't even want to see his face.. Then why the hell do you care?" she lashed out… 

"because I am his alpha!!!" I shouted… I know Magnus can hear us… Izzy looked at me helplessly… "izzy!!! Please… yes I said Mean words and I hurt him because he hurted me for almost 2 months.. It's not tit for Tat..i can't act normal like nothing happened … I can't control my anger.. And you know why I became like this.."I said and looked away.. I don't have courage to face her.. She is still holding my hand…she hugged me tight…I can't help but bury myself on her shoulder.." Maybe Magnus is ready to  give up on me … but I know my omega inside him needs me..I am not gonna fight with him or shout at him.. Let me see whether he is fine or not.. " I said sniffing hard… she let my hands go  and wiped my tears away…. "Remember one thing.. The love is still out there in the open…I saw that today… so don't ruin it.. I know he is an anchor for all your emotions.. You both are apart and not on good terms that's why you both are messing up everything… but try to stay calm… Magnus is not going anywhere again!!! You hear me? .." she said and let me go from her arms…(NOTE FROM BOOK 1 : only true mate could find his  omega in heat even if he/she is under suppressor… ) 💖TBC 💖 

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