Chapter 2: New Life

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It had been 7 years since he last spoke to Mija. He missed her so much. Too bad her dad wouldn't let her have a phone till after college.

"Just 2 years to go" Eldaah said

"Tell me about it" Reu concurred. Just 2 more years now, to see Mija again. Honestly, Reu really didn't hate America, in fact it was quite the opposite. His Dad wasn't around most of the time and when he was, he was always busy but he didn't mind, his dad said he could always have Eldaah and Alvin around and they could stay as long as they pleased.

They had become inhabitants of his home well house... They were always around and his Dad was fond of them. Eldaah and his dad always discussed politics and business, Alvin and  his Dad on the other hand talked on the football games and sports.

He and his dad had a few father son times, some he could remember and the others he couldn't. His Dad always tried his best though. He had a personal alarm installed in the house to remind him to take his drugs every 5 hours, he was chill about a lot of things he knew his mum wouldn't be.

He even let them throw parties which Alvin loved but Reu disposed of it immediately. He didn't like the idea of people getting wasted in his beautiful house and wrecking his Dads expensive souvenirs.

His Dad said it was all part of college life and they should make the best of it but, nah thanks. He let them go for midnight parties though and he could come back anytime he wanted. Alvin had his own house. The property was in Reu's dads' name.

His dad had given Alvin the house.

Alvin was equally as rich as Reu if not richer. Although Eldaah was financially unstable, they wouldn't let it show. Whatever was theirs, was his also. Reus dad let him stay in the house but he went home once in a while.

He would clear his weekends up for Reu and be under a shit ton of pressure during the week, but he did it for him even though he didn't mind that he was almost never home. His dad wanted him to have a normal childhood even though that's highly impossible, but more importantly he wanted them to have a close bond.

Reu was always thankful to him for his consideration. They went out to watch the big games on the weekends, or they would watch them at home, they would go for movie premieres and anything that was fun basically.

Alvin and people at the house threw parties every weekend from Friday. It was fun sometimes but other times Reu couldn't care less showing up.

Alvin was their access card to any and every party that was to be thrown in LA. Red Hill seniors threw the biggest, craziest and maddest parties and Alvin, Eldaah and Reu were always there because hey, everyone knew them and they knew Alvin as the life of parties.

If you were having a party and Alvin wasn't there, that shit wasn't a party. The summer break had been full of amazing parties but Reu wasn't all that gaga for them. School would be resuming next week Monday.

Tonight there was going to be a bonfire to end the summer break. Everyone was looking forward to it.

"Yo, Reu. You coming for the bonfire tonight?" Eldaah asked as he focused his gaze on the huge TV screen in front of him.

He was playing NBA on the PS5 Reu's Dad recently got them. "Uh yeah sure." Reu replied.

"Good, I'm gonna give you the best time of your life before the end of this year and it starts tonight." Alvin said.

"Yes man!" exclaimed Eldaah with his baritone voice.

Reu watched them play as he read his new geography textbook. "Urgh you read too much Reu. It's fucking summer!" Whined Alvin.

"You think I read too much now? You should've seen me in elementary school." "Who the hell read anything in elementary school bro?" Alvin asked.

Eldaah and Reu shot him "who didn't?" kind of looks. "Oh well just me didn't. Ok it's cool" he replied while pressing his lips into a thin line of dissatisfaction.

"That's why you're so dumb now" Eldaah laughed. "Shut up" Alvin laughed too and Reu couldn't help but join in on the laugh.

"I'm home sons!" Dads' voice lifted from the living room to upstairs, Reus bedroom. It's weird he calls Alvin and Eldaah his sons because then what is Reu? Not to be jealous or anything but he'd prefer that title for himself only but again at the same time he wouldn't mind sharing it with his best friends.

"He's home early" Eldaah said. Reu and Alvin nodded in agreement. They paused their game of Basketball and went downstairs.

"Hey Dad" Reu said. "Son, how're you doing?" They shook each other.

"I'm about to die of boredom with that bookworm" Alvin shouted from across the couch. Reu was so tempted to raise his middle finger at him but he's gonna let him have this one.

His dad laughed when Reu gave a smug smile. "So what do you boys plan on doing tonight?" His dad asked

"Well we were going to a bonfire down at the beach this evening." Eldaah answered for them.

"Okay. Would you like to do something with your old man before then?"

"Uh yeah, I actually would like new swim suits old man" Reu laughed and so did everyone. This was how they joked with Dad unlike Mama.

"Same bro." Eldaah said. "Okay let me just change and I'll be with you in a few minutes." He said.

"Okay Dad."


What is your favourite summer time activity?
Mine is going to the beach. Comment, like and have a splendid day ahead.

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