Chapter 13: High Days

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History class came to a relieving end and Reu and Chris left the class together.

"I enjoyed History." Chris said smiling. "You didn't even listen." Reu said. "But I heard the rarest laughs from an eternally sad person." "I'm not sad. I'm just reserved" Reu defended.

"Reservoir" Chris mumbled. "What was that?" "Nothing. Just happy to see you less reserved." Reu didn't even argue. "Chris?" He called. "Yeah?" "What's your full name?"

"Chris" she said. Just had to ask the question didn't he?

"Chris is a guys name. Besides the male Chris is also an abbreviation of Christopher, Christian, whatever." Reu said. "My name is Chris Thompson, Reu."

"Okay, if I get it right would you tell me?" "Probably" she sighed. "Christabel" "ew" she responded. "Christiana" "do I look like a Christiana to you?"

"Christine" "I'd rather be called Reu. And that says a lot." She laughed and Reu understood that he was indirectly being insulted.

Chris started to run to her next class, not because she cared about being on time but because she needed to get away from Reu who she thought was chasing her.

Reu looked at her. "This girl.." he thought. She got to the front of her Economics lecture hall and turned around laughing. Reu left his pen with her and went to get it. "Do you do anything but laugh?" Reu said.

"Apart from being annoying, tell stupidly sick jokes, play, goof around... Then no" she smiled. Reu shook his head. "We'll talk later." "Have a high day Reu." Chris opened the door and went into the lecture hall.

Reu had turned around about to go for his classes but he stopped in his tracks on hearing the last words Chris said. Someone used to tell him that before. Someone he can't remember.

His alarm buzzed in his pockets and he jumped in shock. He popped the pills and capsules and threw them in his mouth and drank his bottled water.

The bell rang and he rushed to his class. Reu couldn't focus in class. He kept thinking about Chris' final words. He knew very well he had heard that line as a child, very much. But who said it? If it was his dad, wouldn't he still be saying it?

No. It had to be someone else. Damn Reu's dumb amnesia. Reu was angry, sad and disappointed that his memory failed him. "Have a high day.." but who could've possibly said that? After his futile attempts to remember something from his past, he got frustrated and started to have a headache.

In fact, by the end of the class he started to feel horribly dizzy. At the end of school Reu stumbled to his car with a throbbing headache and a numb body.

"Yo Reu! You okay?" Perez called out. "I..." Reu struggled to talk. "Head... Head.... Aching." " I'll drive you to the house. Give me your keys." Reu handed him his keys and Perez helped him get into the passengers side of his car.

Perez walked over afterwards to the driver's side and started the car. "Pain....killers" Reu pointed at the side pocket of the driver's door. Perez reached for it and handed him the pills. Reu drank it and rested his head and closed his eyes.

Yo guys! What's wrong with Reu 🥺I know you should be asking me but I'm genuinely worried about my baby boy. I personally do not know what's wrong with him and I know you might find that ridiculous but it's true. There are a million and one things about this book and my characters I cannot explain because my characters, for them to feel real, have to grow and make decisions and choices on their own with their own initiative even if I don't want it to be that way. They have to be the one to make their own decisions.

Any questions about the characters or the plot can be asked and I'll try in my best ability to answer then truthfully but without revealing spoilers.

Sooo the QOTD is do you like Reu and Chris' upcoming friendship? If yes, why and if no, why? Do you think this friendship will lead to something good or bad and how do you think this friendship is going to be? Fun, toxic?
I won't answer these questions, they are for the readers now.
I love you very much

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Have a lovely day

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