Chapter 4: Bonfire Night

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"Okay Dad we're leaving." Reu said.

"Alright have fun sons." He replied. Eldaah told them he was going to drive his car because he was going to pick up his girlfriend Carrie Jena. Carrie was black. She and Eldaah started dating at the beginning of 11th grade.

Eldaah had whispered something into Alvin's ear before he got into his car. Dad got him a . Alvin's dad got him a and Dad got Reu a of course Mama was not to know.

Reu got into the passenger's seat of Alvin's car because he didn't feel like driving and he had to drive them back home when Alvin got wasted which he very much expects before the night runs out.

After a long, uncomfortable silent drive, Alvin finally spoke, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said, but Aleksey is a tender topic and it brings back bad memories."

"Its fine bro." Reu glanced at the tensed Alvin sitting beside him.

He looked at Reu and smiled. "And I had no intention of doing it with the girl from the mall." Reu widened his eyes at him with a smirk. He laughed. "Okay okay you caught me I mean well..."

"Oh just forget it" Reu said and they laughed. Alvin wasn't a bad person, neither was he a man whore, he just felt he had to do it to erase the terrible memories of Aleksey which Reu wasn't sure if that was how it worked but if it was his healing process, then they'll let him heal.

He'll get over her, eventually. They got to the beach and they could see the light smoke of the fire at the center of the beach.

Alvin found a parking space and they climbed out of the car. As they walked unto the sandy beach they saw Devin and Cole. "Hey dude. Thought you won't come" Devin shook Reu and Alvin's hands. His girlfriend Gabby Johnson was holding unto his hand and she waved at Reu.

He smiled and waved back politely.

"I'm selectively social not antisocial." he said and Devin laughed. "Where's Eldaah?" Cole asked. "He went to pick up Carrie." Alvin answered.

"I told that bitch to come with me or she'd be late." Gabby said. "Chill Gabby. They'll be here soon" Alvin said.

She rolled her eyes. "Okay man, I am going to the drink table to get into the party mood." Alvin said and walked away. "I know he's gonna get so wasted before 12 o' clock." Reu said.

"Definitely" Devin agreed. Reu sat on one of the free logs that surrounded the bonfire in a circle. Someone had brought him a drink but he simply said no thanks, he doesn't drink. The familiar girls' voice laughed and said "Chillax, its pineapple juice." He looked up to see the girl from the mall smiling down at him wearing a yellow bra top, white shorts with multi colored flowers and designs and surprisingly, white socks and sneakers.

"Hey you." He said. "Hi. You having a nice evening?" she asked.

"You can say that." "Well have a nice time. I am going to talk to your pervert friend." She said after handing him the cup and walking away. He took a sip of the cool drink and after staring into the cup for 2 minutes, he got up.

"You are not antisocial, you are selectively social." he kept telling himself as he walked over to the drink table. He saw Alvin having fun with other people, drinking alcohol in a chugging contest that he won.

Sometimes he wished he was as free as Alvin, maybe life would be easier.

There were cups arranged on the table, filled with liquid, probably alcohol. "I'd like to play" Reu said. Loud cheers emerged from the people around him near the table.

"I'll play against you" a female voice said. He looked up in front of him to see a girl in a white, light, free, spaghetti hand, jumpsuit shorts. The wind blew her hair around her face. It was long and wavy and he could bet a straightening iron had never met her hair before.

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