Chapter Twelve

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I grow up in the world without my biological parents. My mom and dad got divorced for an unknown reason that I had no idea about but, the people in our neighborhood had all sorts of different rumors that I hear almost every time I walk by the sidewalk. My mom left me to my dad that once she went out of our village, dad started packing and we moved in to another hometown.

My dad always smokes cigarettes at home that I always ended up inhaling it at such a young age even before my parents got divorced.

Moving was hard that I didn't have friends but, luckily someone approached me and her name was Adrianna. Adrianna is the shy cute girl I had a crush on. She became my best friend who cared for me wholeheartedly.

When I reach the age of twelve, dad suddenly didn't show up one day. At first I thought, maybe he's working late but no after that day he didn't came back and no one has ever seen him ever since. I thought I was all alone but, Adrianna's father my dad's best friend took me in. He adopted me and treated me like his own child. They became my family. It's funny because Adrianna and I became so close people thought were dating but, although I liked her once it didn't grow into something more but a love as her brother.

Years gone, I started going out to different places, smelling cigarettes every day to where I'm at until at the age of fifteen I was diagnosed by Lung Cancer. How did I know? Well, it's easy. I had an accident once and Adrianna's father didn't know nor did her daughter. The doctor told me that he saw something in my lungs and that's when he knew I have a lung cancer. I wanted to tell them about my disease but, I didn't want to trouble them or more or less I just given up on life because I have nothing to lose. 

Of course, I didn't think about much about it back then but it gets worse every day. I didn't see the doctor and I made the decision to not tell anyone instead I kept it on my own, accepting that I will die anytime soon. 

So, every day since that day I will wake up and explore new things and go to new places with no scheduled place or time on where I will be going to because I believe it's exciting when you don't know when you'll die so go out and explore new things, face the world, do whatever you want because our time here on earth is limited. Think of me as a lunatic or someone who's out of his mind but, I believe what I want to believe and also this is what I want.

Through my journey, I met three teenagers on my age in three different places as I went exploring each day. The four of us became good friends that we started out a band at the age of seventeen. We became popular amongst teenagers and idolized by many that we started going on trips and exploring new things together until one night when we landed on Adrianna's party. We were supposed to go on a trip that day but, someone sabotage our vehicle so we stopped by to her party.

While I was looking for Adrianna, I bumped into someone with brown wavy hair. She was wearing a grey shirt with a black jacket on paired with skinny jeans and a red converse. She was not wearing any make-up on but still looked beautiful without it. I was staring at her too much that she called me a 'weirdo'. Coincidentally, Adrianna was her childhood best friend and her name was Margie.

Margie was a little bit over dramatic but interesting.

That night, I couldn't sleep properly thinking about how I can win her over. Things got even more exciting when Adrianna's father asked me to drive her daughter along with her childhood best friend on their trip.

Margie was so shocked when she found out we were coming along on their trip that she argued Adrianna about it but ended up sitting at the passenger seat next to me. I wanted to put her seatbelt on and seeing her reaction that satisfied me while doing so made me jump out with joy inside although I tried to not act like it, my mouth released a 'tss' sound like I was preventing myself to laugh. Luckily, she didn't say much about it.

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