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It's been a while. Get ready for more unplanned and unscheduled uploads!! :D

As soon as they had finished writing out their order on a post-it-note, Gin stepped in through the door. Paul grinned, excited for John to meet her. He couldn't wait, actually. He couldn't wait for John to meet his auntie.

"I'm back, boys!" Gin called, and Paul soon heard her keys crash into the bowl at the door.

"I'm the kitchen, Gin!" Paul called, placing the pen down. She walked in, and Paul smiled at her. "Thinkin' chippy tea?"

Jin nodded, slowly, peering behind Paul to look at John. All of her concentration was fixed on John, Infact, and she stared at him in wonder, a smile still on her face.

"I hope you don't mind. This is my friend, John..." Paul spoke, turning around. John looked just as confused as she had done. "John, this is my auntie."

"Oh." He smiled. "Hello."

"Hello." Gin replied, sweetly, heading over to John. Her heels clinked on the ground as she walked, and she held her hand out to for John to shake. He shook it galdly.

"John's from out of town..." Paul spoke, staring Gin right in the eyes. "Met him on Facebook. Do you mind if he stays for a while? He can sleep on the spare mattress in my room."

"Course I don't mind." She beamed. "Though it is your Da's house, love."

"Oh he won't mind... Doesn't mind anything at the moment does Da'."

"Aye." Gin sighed, throwing her handbag down onto the table. "So, chippy tea?"

"Hm." All three agreed in sync, and Gin nodded in satisfaction.

"Right. I'll go grab your Da'."

Just as she stood up, Paul stopped her.

"Can you make sure you warn him that I have a friend over?" Paul asked. "I don't want to freak him out."

"Of course."

With that, Gin left the room.

The three of them had somehow telekinetically decided that they would stop talking about John for a short while, and instead, moved onto lighter topics.

"At John." Mike spoke up, and John jolted his head around to face him.

"Yeah?" He replied, softly.

"How'd ya like it here, from what you've seen?"

"I uh..." He looked around. "Everything seems a little complicated." He admitted, staring right at the washing machine.

"That's where you're wrong." Paul chimed in. "It's not complicated, it's just..." Paul stood up, tapping the buttons randomly on the microwave. "...Electronic." He clicked 'start', and the microwave started spinning.

John chuckled, fondly.

"Honestly I don't know why I didn't guess it would be like this. I mean, of course technology was going to get more and more popular." The oldest thought. "I mean it makes sense."

"I think we rely on it too much." Mike shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly, before standing up. "Just gonna go help Gin."

With that, he left Paul and John alone.

"How are you?" Paul asked, now serious.

"I'm alright." John admitted. "I'm still confused, though. I mean, even though I know a lot more now there's still lots of things I don't know. Like- like why did I forget who you were? What the hell brought me here in the first place." Abruptly, he rose to his feet. "Why... Why whenever I'm around you, I just feel fucking safe..."

Paul stared back at him, staring directly into his eyes.

"Paul- Do you..." He cut himself off, bracing himself for a moment. With a deep breath, he continued. "Do you still feel the same for me now as... As then? Are we still... I don't know."

"Boyfriends?" Paul finished, causing a blush to appear on John's face.

"Yes..." He smiled, softly. "A-Are we still... Boyfriends?"

"I should think so." Paul replied, truthfully. "I mean, I am still as in love with you as ever..."

John's smile soon turned into a grin, and he stepped closer to Paul.

"Me too..." He replied, lips now hovering directly infront of Paul's. John stared at them for a second, before finally connecting their lips.

Paul took the lead, knowing that John needed a bit of confirmation. The kiss was passionate, Paul demonstrating his love for John throughout.

When they pulled away, they both smiled wide.

"So, we're still boyfriends?" John asked, cheerfully, just for confirmation.

"Yes, we are." Paul replied, and once again John's smile turned into a grin.

"I love you, Paul." John reached a hand up to cup the younger's cheek, rubbing slowly over the red taint that had appeared there.

"I love you too." Paul replied, content. "And... And I think you just answered one of your remaining questions..."

"Hm?" The older asked in confusion, furrowing his eyebrows.

"I think I know why you're here..."

"Because I love you..." John answered his question out loud. Paul took his hand.

"Yes." The younger nodded, delighted. "I-I don't know if it's right, of course... But in highschool we learnt about the soulmate theory."

"Soulmate theory?"

"Aye." Paul nodded. "It's the theory that everybody has somebody out there who they're destined to be with. It's like... Their one true love, I suppose." He explained, before looking to the floor. "I don't know, I guess it's kind of soppy..."

"I don't think it's soppy." Paul looked back into John's eyes. "I think... It's a nice idea."

Paul smiled, looking down.

"Thanks." He grinned, placing another kiss on Paul's lips.

"And... Would you say you're my soulmate?" John asked, lightheartedly.

"Yeah, yeah I would." Paul nodded, smiling.

"Me too." John grinned.

I Miss You - McLennon AUWhere stories live. Discover now