35 b.

112 4 10

11th January 2019

John didn't know what he was going to do. He had stood in the station now for five minutes, in pretty much the same place, and still had no idea what his plan was.

All he had done was look around and think. But nothing had come to him.

In the corner of his eye, he saw the sign for the men's toilets, and quickly dashed in there. Maybe if he was alone he could think better.

The boy stood infront of the mirror, gripping onto the sinks and looking directly into his own eyes. It was him. He was here. In his surely now outdated clothes, plaid, jeans and old converse.

He felt like he might cry. Everything was just so overwhelming. He was here, and didn't know what to do. He hadn't thought about what he would do if it worked, and now he was learning on the job.

He had to find a way through this, however scared and emotional he felt. So he took a deep breath and got to work.

New clothes, that's what he needed. He didn't know what pounds were worth, but he supposed what he had would be enough to buy something. He needed food too, he was rather hungry.

But most of all, he needed to find Paul.

He pulled his sleeve up, smiling down at the bracelet he had. Half of a heart. That was when it was clear...

John had to find Paul.

He figured that the only reason he was here was indeed to find Paul. Not only did he miss him so fucking much, and just want to hold and kiss him again, but the universe or whatever the hell clearly had sent him here to find Paul. And John did not want to fuck with the universe.

The one and only reason he was here, was to be with Paul. So he had to make that happen. John wanted to make that happen, more than anything. He wanted to see Paul again.

John looked at himself one more time in the mirror, feeling a wave of emotions flush over him. Fear, loneliness, yet also excitement. Though a lot of what he felt was nerves, he was indeed excited. He got to experience the future... It was an honour.

He got to see Paul again.

As he left the bathrooms, he took heavy breaths, trying to control the resurfacing fear he felt. If he was going to manage this world on his own, then he would have to be strong, otherwise he would fall.

His first quest was to find a shop. He needed food, and he needed clothes. So John trudged down the steps of the station, a hand in his pocket, clutching onto his money as he headed towards the city.

It was strange, walking down the same streets but with different buildings in their place. Some buildings were still the same, of course, but many had been knocked down and replaced with new, unfamiliar ones.

He felt cold and lost. He just didn't know what to do. He clung into his jacket, looking in every shop window to try and find somewhere that sold clothes. When he found one, he wasted no time before rushing inside. The quicker he changed the more comfortable he figured he'd feel.

John settled on a jumper with a hood, as he had seen many others wearing that. He decided to not buy anything else, as he had also seen people wear blue jeans and converse and he didn't have much. If it wasn't necessary to spend, then he decided he wouldn't do it. He now had £20 left, and that £20 had to last him at least until he found Paul.

He searched the streets for a shop where he could eat something and think. He decided on a cafe, laughing pitifully to himself. He couldn't believe he was yet again going to sit in a cafe and decide what to do.

I Miss You - McLennon AUWhere stories live. Discover now