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7th September, 2021

The bus home from College later that day was quite pleasant. He and John departed to their own lessons once lunch had ended, but John had told him he would keep in touch. All Paul wanted was to keep in touch. All Paul had ever wanted was to keep in touch.

As he had sat on the top of the double decker bus, he had sat in a window seat. Looking outside, the sky was a beautiful colour. It was almost fully blue, a few white clouds dotted around the place. The sun was relatively warm still, though a slight difference in temperature was obvious. It shone in the blue sky, and the whole way home, Paul had listened to music with a smile on his face.

He had wondered many things. If he told John about their past... What would John think? It wasn't that Paul was considering telling him right now. He just wondered.

Would he believe him? Would he call him crazy?

Or maybe... Maybe it would be like in one of those movies, where Paul says something special and John just... Remembers everything.

God, who knows at this point?

Al he did know was that he wasn't going to tell John. Yeah, they went out to dinner, but that didn't mean that they were the best of friends. Paul couldn't tell John just yet, no.

The walk from the bus stop to his house was also pleasant, the same bright smile remaining on his face the whole time.

Paul reached his garden gate, opening it, grabbing the handle of the now empty purple bin and dragging it along after him. He closed the gate behind him, dragging the bin over the long, uncut grass and next to the bush, slotting it in the middle of the other two bins.

With music still blasting in his ears, he stepped inside the house, feeling the cold temperature hit him instantly. He noticed his fathers coat still on the  hanger, and raised an eyebrow, closing the door.

"Da'?" He called out, taking his earphones out, slowly, and throwing his keys into the bowl.

When there was no response, he threw his coat and bag off, rushing up the stairs.

"Da?" He called once again, more worry laced in his voice this time, turning the corner of the staircase to reach the landing. He rushed into Jim's room.

The whole room was pretty much in the same state as that morning, except this time, his father was awake. He was lay in the bed, the covers pulled up to just below his chin. Paul couldn't see much, and so rushed over to him, kneeling down and turning on the lamp.

Jim winced at the light, and Paul immediately leant forward.

"Da'? What's wrong?" He asked, concerned.

"Oh, Paul." Jim struggled out. "It's nothin' really. Just a headache, but it's lasted all day..."

"Oh Gosh." Paul uttered, placing his hand gently on his Fathers head. He was indeed hot. "Have you taken anythin' for it?"

"Paracetamol... Ibrupofen... But it hasn't worked." He sighed, sounding in pain. "I feel sick, too."

"It must be a migraine..." Paul frowned, jumping up to that he was sat beside his father on the bed. "Does it not seem better?"

"No." He whined out, sounding like a hurt child. "Should I call my doctor?"

"I don't think so, Da'..." The teenager shook his head. "When I get migraines, sometimes, once I am sick, I feel better... Maybe that's what you need to do."

"Oh God, you get these too?" He stressed out, sounding worried.

"Yes Da'. But they're not that bad."

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