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The bus ride to college was aggravating for Paul. Every time the bus stopped to let someone on or someone off, the boy felt his heart flip. He was really nervous to get to college, wanting to both get there as soon as possible and never.

He wanted to see John, but dreaded it. He missed him, but the thought of seeing him was nerve-racking.

The reminiscing, the newspaper headline, the whole freak out he had had the night before... Everything from the last twenty four hours or so compiled together felt like too much for Paul to handle, and he really felt like he should stay at home on that day. He didn't know if he could face him. But he couldn't stay home, he had to speak to him.

And no matter how nervous he was, he wanted to speak to John. He missed him. But that was nothing new.


Paul could see his stop appear in the distance, and so he got ready to stand up. He took a deep breath, standing and throwing his backpack over his shoulders. He clicked the bell, and made his way to the front doors of the bus.

He walked through the gates, noting no sign of John. There were quite a lot of students surrounding the area, but Paul knew that he would be able to spot John a mile off.

Maybe I don't even have to look for him... Paul thought to himself, curiously.

Looking back at it, it seemed like every time Paul had heard these voices, it was when John was near him. Not in front of him, just near him.

The time when he and John had gone into the city together for the first time, the time the day before when Paul had had the entire freak out, hell, even the first time Paul had seen John again at the river. Just seconds before seeing John on all of those instances he had heard voices speaking to him.

And thinking about the voices he heard the other day, they... They had said the word Macca.

Only John called him Macca.

The voices saying the word Macca, supposedly saying it to Paul, and then John appearing almost immediately after. Christ, they all had to link together, surely.

Paul felt a sudden wave of adrenaline fly through him. He felt like he had cracked a code or something, he had no idea what this meant, not just yet anyway, but the excitement he felt at finally having put a reason for something together was so thrilling.

He quickly reached into his pocket, pulling his phone out. He took no notice of the time, no notice of the notifications on his phone either, just rushed straight to his contacts. Mike had to know about this new revelation, and maybe he could help Paul understand it more?!

But just as Paul hovered over his brother's name, he was interrupted.


Paul's head shot up at the sound of his name. He again, felt frozen. He hadn't had enough time to process everything.

But now John was here.


Where... Paul?

"John..." Paul whispered out, looking around for him eagerly.

The boy felt himself grow more confident, feeling his breath catching up with him again.


The voice called to him, and Paul, not caring who was near him, responded above a whisper.

"John!" He called, and almost instantly, John strolled through the gate.

A laugh of relief fell from Paul's lips, and a wave of relaxation fell through him. He had been right, it just happened then. The voice spoke, and John appeared.

I Miss You - McLennon AUWhere stories live. Discover now