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"So what's it like then?" Paul questioned, an awkward tone to his voice as he filled the red kettle with water.

"Hm?" Gin, who was stood just outside of the back door, questioned back. She was stood on the outside step, with the door open, lighting a cigarette.

The three of them had decided they would let Mike finish his food before they spoke, sensing the conversation was going to be dull and gritty. Gin and Mike were waiting in the kitchen, Paul making them all tea.

"The Isle of White..." Paul stated, placing the kettle onto the stand and flicking the switch on to let it boil.

"Oh..." She chuckled, dryly, finally managing to light her cigarette after a few attempts. "Yeah, it's going alright." She took a drag, shrugging. Though she seemed empty as she spoke.

"And Geoff, how is he?" Paul leant against the counter, folding his arms and facing the door. He could only see the back of Gin's head though. "And his kids...?"

"They-" She spoke, through smoke, though stopping almost instantly to change her words. "Geoff is alright, the kids are doing fine, too. Timothy has just settled into high-school, Hannah is in her last year like Michael." Her tone was monotone as she spoke.

"You settled down there, then?" He asked, trying to make conversation.

Although even though he didn't wish to pry too deep into her life, he still was curious as to what she had been doing.

"Yeah." She nodded, taking another drag. "The kids have settled more with me, now. His ex hasn't, though. Always gives me a sour luck when she picks Timmy and Hannah up."

When things had gotten tough, it had been the Isle of White that Gin had fled to. She met her now fiancé in a pub up in Liverpool, around three months before she left. He was married, but the relationship was ugly and the two weren't together anymore. When he went back, Gin went with him. A divorce was soon settled, and Gin found herself a soon to be wife and future step mother.

It had all happened to quickly. She hadn't even known him for that long. Paul figured she went with him because he could lead her to a life that was different than the one she lived up here. An escape. She didn't love him, he was just they route away that she needed at the time.

Paul guessed he didn't love her either, but he had never met the man, so wouldn't be able to say.

The kettle boiled, after around a minute, and Paul turned to get on with making everyone brews. From behind him, Gin let out a devious cough, and Paul cringed. He hated seeing people smoke. His mother didn't pass from lung cancer, but it was still a type of cancer, and to know that Gin could be throwing away her life made Paul feel uneasy.

"Don't be doing that when Da' comes down." Paul ordered, pouring the hot water into the third cup. "If he sees you here and smoking, you might just put him into bed for the rest of the month."

She turned around at that, now facing the back of Paul's head.

"Really? Is he that bad?" She asked, and Paul could tell she felt worried at that.

"Pretty much. I guess you will have to see him for yourself." Paul shrugged, taking all the teabags out. "Mike!"

Soon enough, Mike came running into the room, taking a seat at the table, and Jin put her cigarette out, throwing it in the kitchen bin. She sat across from Mike, and Paul brought the tea over.

The older boy plopped down next to Mike, and they all took a cup of tea each.

For the first few seconds, the room was silent. The sun shone through the window, and the pattern of the venetian blinds was projected onto the kitchen cupboards.

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