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John wasn't in college at break time, he wasn't there at dinner either. As the hours went on, Paul began to get worried. Where was he? He had to be in college at some point during the day?

Maybe Paul was just missing him... Maybe he was in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Paul was in his last lesson of the day, English, staring at the clock and waiting to go home. He was tired, this was the longest he had been in college so far, and it was draining him. The teacher was finally beginning to end the lessons and Paul almost jumped in excitement at that. It wasn't that he hated the lesson, but he was so desperate to leave in that moment.

She finally dismissed her class, after almost an hour and a half of sitting down, and Paul rushed out of the classroom. He didn't say goodbye to anyone or anything, he just left.

He had came to the conclusion that he would not see John today. If he hadn't seen him so far, then why was he to see him as he was leaving? And so as he opened the door to head out of the building through the reception, his mind was empty of John. Almost.

Suddenly, Paul could hear whispering again. He slowed down, glancing around the room. But he couldn't find anyone else. It was just him, as far as he could see. He took a few steps forward, the whispering of nonsense actually forming into words.



"Wait, Macca."

Who the fuck was calling his name?!

He paused abruptly, feeling air flee from his lungs for just a few seconds. He felt trapped still, like he couldn't move.

Why did he keep hearing that voice? It was calling for him, and he didn't fuckibg know why.

"Paul!" A voice called from behind him, an actual voice this time. He turned around instantly, the noise almost startling him.


He felt his nerves calm almost instantly, and a reassured smile appeared on his face. At the sight of John, he felt safe again.

"John..." He sighed out in relief. The older boy approached him, a smile on his face too.

"Are you okay?" He asked, concerned a little at Paul's appearance. "You look as pale as a ghost."

"Yeah, I'm okay." Paul nodded, truthfully. Now that John was here he was fine. "I- Well I just thought I heard someone calling my name."

John furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, looking away from Paul. His eyes darted around the room, the boy even turning around to look behind him.

"We're alone, I know." Paul spoke, before John even had a chance. The older boy turned around with a grin.

"I think you're going a bit crazy, Paul." He teased.

"You're not so far off..." Paul muttered under his breath to himself, looking away from John.


"Nothing, just talking back to the voices." Paul also joked, and at that, John bursted out into laughter.

Paul smiled at the boy, widely. He loved seeing him laugh. He had the exact same laugh as his John.

Christ. How was this all real?

Without hesitation or warning, Paul leant forward and touched John's shoulder. He hadn't had time to think, he just... Did it. John wasn't holographic. He was real.

John had instantly fallen silent, however he didn't look mad. God, no.

Infact... He looked sad. Like he was about to cry.

"Paul..." John whispered, his voice tender, wobbly.

"J-John?" Paul responded, rather freaked out at John's sudden transition. "I-I'm sorry..."

Paul went to remove his hand, but instantly, John stopped him. He clasped his own hand over Paul's, making sure that the younger couldn't move it.

"No." John stated, simply.

Paul looked into his eyes again, concerned at the glance in the other's eyes. His eyes looked watery, sad. He looked like he was about to cry. Paul's mouth opened to speak, but he didn't know what to say... He just stared at John, concern and confusion lacing his mind.

"What is going on?" Paul finally managed out, his voice quiet and calm. But on the inside, his heart was racing.

What the fuck?

"Paul..." John whispered out, a single tear falling down his face.

Paul finally removed his hand, backing away a single step just before a door opened. A group of 5 girls walked through, all laughing and joking with eachother. Paul glanced over at the sudden noise, it having startled him.

When he glanced back over to John a couple of seconds later, the smile was back on his face. Paul backed away once more, truly feeling scared.

What I'm the fucking world?!

"Paul?" John asked, concern immediately rushing over his face at the sight of Paul backing away.

But Paul didn't speak, he was mortified. He was scared... Mostly, he was confused.

"Paul?" The older boy really did seem worried.

John stepped forward once more, but Paul instantly moved backwards, his shoulders tensing. The sun appeared in his vision from behind the building, it shining in his eyes instantly.

Paul helped out loud, immediately shutting his eyes and covering them.



Ringing... All Paul could hear was ringing.

The car had hit him.

He tried to scream, but he couldn't. And suddenly, it all went black. Only in his dream however.

As soon as he had finished remembering, he came to again, reality flashing back to him. He opened his eyes again, faced with John kneeling infront of him and staring at him in panic. Stood next to John were the group of girls from before, also looking worried.

"Paul?" John asked, concern lacing in his voice.

Paul stated at him for a few seconds, completely speechless. His heart was racing, and he was breathing heavy. He looked completely startled.

"Are you alright?" One of the girls asked, worried, he glanced up to them, still unable to speak.

He just nodded hesitantly, looking down to the floor in order to recover. But he was startled, so panicked.

"Paul, what happened?" John asked, and Paul hesitantly looked back to him. The older boy seemed almost as startled as himself.

Paul felt a sudden rush of sickness rush through him, and al of a sudden he felt as if he was going to pass out. He was anxious, panicked, confused.

The earth was fucking with him, and he just couldn't do this today.

So much has happened in this last week. Starting college, seeing John again and John denying him, John un-denying him, finding out his father had no job, aunt Gin coming home. And now this... Now John fucking... Changing? God, he didn't even know what happened! Not the he ever fucking knew what was happening anymore.

No, he couldn't do this.

Almost instantly, he shot to his feet. The girls stepped back a little at his sudden movement, still looking concerned.

"I- I'm sorry... I can't do this..." Paul rushed out, though his voice was shaken up. At those words, John rose to his feet too. "Not today..."

With that, Paul turned on his feet, and speed walked towards the exit.

"Paul!" John called out to him, but Paul didn't stop.

He rushed towards the doors, not stopping to see if anybody else was about to come through them. He just pushed them open, instantly rushing out of them and allowing them to slam behind him. By the time he actually heard them slam, he was already at the College's gates.

I Miss You - McLennon AUWhere stories live. Discover now