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leilani hasn't spoken to me in days

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leilani hasn't spoken to me in days. we haven't done our dinners or anything. this is all so crazy because we usually text and see each other literally every fucking day.

i miss her so much.

she's ignoring all my calls and texts, leaving me on read. i'd knock on her door and she'd yell through it, telling me to leave.

like i literally haven't physically seen her. i've tried to innocently "wander" in the halls around the time she usually comes home from modeling but i think that clever bitch is purposely moving around that time cause she knows i'll be waiting for her ass.

for this mf to be my next door neighbor, i can't catch her ass for shit!

so i took matters into my own hands and called my manager.

"hey danny? yeah i need a teeny tiny favor," i grinned over the phone.

                               leilani's pov:

today's another fitting day so all we're doing is trying on swimsuits and seeing which ones fit and what we wanna wear for our portion of the shoot.

"is this one cute? i don't know i feel about it," i asked lily.

"you kidding?" she scoffed

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"you kidding?" she scoffed. "that's perfect for you. i wish i had gotten that one."

"thanks," i chuckled. "the butterflies just throw me for a loop."

"okay how do you like this shade of blue on me?" she squinted at me.

i laughed. "it matches your eyes. so beautiful."

then you heard a bunch of 'oh my god's' and 'hi's'. i furrowed my eyebrows. "what's going on?" i looked at lily, but she just shrugged.

we walked out of the dressing room and into the main studio area, where i see most of the girls kind of crowded around someone.

oh ya know, just a bunch of girls in bikinis all in someone's face. must be a dream for that person.

it really must be a celebrity. that's what you get for hiring a bunch of models who are all around the same age and probably have the same damn interest in celebrities.

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