13 | your own friend

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"wait okay, take me a quick off guard," i told lily as we were in the water.

we got to the beach in malibu around 6am before everyone else to claim our spots to watch the surf competition

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we got to the beach in malibu around 6am before everyone else to claim our spots to watch the surf competition. this is the swimsuit i'm wearing today.

"so guys this competition is sponsored by Sports Illustrated so that's why we're here working and helping out," cathy explained.

we all nodded.

as more people started arriving, one of the officiates came up to me and said "hey, we'd like you to hand out the trophies for the female adult division," he put a lanyard on me that had a pass on it.

"lucky," lily walked over to me. "i have to give trophies out to the junior competition," she complained.

i snickered. "you'll be fine," i put my hand on her shoulder.

there were huge canopies around with chairs and tables for us to sit at so we claimed one.

billie texted me.

i put my phone away as more people started to arrive

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i put my phone away as more people started to arrive. the contestants got here and they were all huddled up, talking to the officiates before breaking off with their coaches.

tv crews arrived and it was almost time to start. cathy came up to us. "they want you guys to go and wish them luck," she whispered, pushing some of us up to them. "just choose a random person."

lily grabbed my hand. "let's go to this girl right here," we walked over to this girl in the adult division. "hi!" lily exclaimed, making the girl turn around.

"we just wanted to wish you good luck on today's competition," i smiled at her.

"thank you so much," she shook our hands.

"okay who's next?" i asked lily.

"oh let's go to her," she pointed, walking over to this other girl.

"hey," i smiled at her, making her smile back.

"good luck today! you got this!" lily exclaimed.

we turned around to walk back and i bumped into someone. "oh my god i'm so- holy shit."

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