24 | new beau?

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2 weeks later..

"are you guys still texting?" margie asked me.

"nah," i shook my head. "he really wasn't interesting me anymore. plus i don't wanna text anyone else from fucking LA."

she laughed. "that's valid. i just can't believe you had a one night stand."

"me neither," i laughed. "pretty sure it was only cause i was drunk. he was cute but not that cute."

marg nervously laughed. "well trust me, it's good you stopped talking to him."

"why you say that?" i tilted my head.

"oh.. well um because it just seems like girls make you happier," she stuttered.

i chuckled. "i've only dated one girl."

"you've also only dated one boy and look how quickly billie made you happy compared to jacob."

"hey! those are two names we shall never mention," i pointed at her.

"i know i know," she scratched her forehead. "but on an unrelated note, i really think you should watch her doc."

"marg- why?" i furrowed my eyebrows, getting irritated.

"i just think it'll be very informative," she nodded slowly as if she's trying to hint at something.

but idk what.. like why would i watch the girl who broke my heart's documentary?

"no! i don't wanna watch her life story on how she got to where she is now," i started. "nor do i wanna see her fucking ex that she used to be in love with in there."

"oh i think you should," margie rose her eyebrows.

"why?" i rose my voice. "you know what? it doesn't even matter because i'm not watching that shit," i shrugged.

"alright," she put her hands up in defense. "sorry. well im very proud of you for sticking to avoiding her. i bet you don't even know what she looks like anymore huh?"

i chuckled. "what does that even mean? what did she change?"

"she dyed her hair again," marg grinned.

"really? to what? actually don't tell me. i don't care," i looked the other direction.

marg squinted. "sure."

"cant lie, i haven't stalked her insta or anything but sometimes articles will pop up about her," i shrugged.

"wait so you've been seeing the rumor?" she furrowed her eyebrows.

"no anytime i'd see her name, i'd instantly scroll," i sighed. "it must be about me?"

"no about her supposed new boyfriend."

"what?!" i exclaimed. "let me see. no don't! actually let me just see the dude, not billie."

she showed me the instagram account of the dude billie supposedly dates now and i was so confused.

"i know him. i've seen him at some events," i exclaimed to margie. "him and billie?" i furrowed my eyebrows in sadness. "how did the rumor start?"

"well there's a picture of them hugging at that Turning Red movie premiere? wanna see the pic?" she asked me.

"nope," i shook my head.

"well he keeps retweeting a bunch of stuff about billie. and she'd even repost something he said on her story, adding kiss emojis," marg explained.

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