Four Months Later....

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Takai William (four months later) DON'T FORGET TO VOTE

"Yes your honor I understand, I am ready to be the mother they deserve and need." I smile "Who will be helping you with these children Ms. William?" The judge asks "Jayden King!" I say "Okay Jayden King are you ready to be a parent and have joint custody?" The judge looks at Jayden "I am your honor. I have been there for both children since birth" Jayden fixes her tie "Ok good! I hope you both the best, Custody of Kaylee Taneisha William King and Kaiden Amire William King will now be released to Jayden Carter King and Takai William. Thank you!"
  After Court Jayden and I bring the kids out for ice cream. Kaylee got so tall it's crazy "What do you want for your birthday?" I ask Kaylee "Barbiesss!" She smiles "I want a toy gun!" Kaiden says "I got you son!" Jay gives him a knuckle pound. "Where are we going first?" Kaiden asks "To my house first for four days and mama's house for three days but you will be able to see mama a lot because they have an after school program right next to our job and we will be having lunch with you every single day!" I say with excitement. The kids smile and yell in excitement. "Are you and mama girlfriends?" Kaiden asks "No, I have a fiancée.. her name is Lyndon Mikael, You'll meet her one day soon!" "I have a girlfriend named Dakota and you'll meet her too!" I smile "Are they nice?" Kaylee asks "Yes, mama made sure of that!" I laugh "Good!" Our kids share a giggle.
Once we get the kids situated in my car Jayden and I hug and say our goodbyes. "Please call me if anything!" Jayden says "I will" I smile before getting in my car. "Mommy do you love Mama?" Kaiden asks "Yes baby, I'll always love her and maybe one day we will all be a family again" I smile. My heart is a bit heavy but I know that Jayden is happy with Lyndon and Lyndon is definitely happy with Jayden. I just hope Dakota and I can work out because I haven't given her any yet not because I'm scared or anything but because I still love Jayden and I feel like if I have sex with Dakota I'll be cheating but I know that I'm not.... It's hard to explain "Can we get McDonald's?" Kaylee asks "Sure!" I smile
Lyndon Mikael
"Dani why the fuck would you hire that manly looking dyke?" I shake my head "She is tall, strong and speaks three damn other languages, We need her Lyndon and where the hell is Jayden she should be here by now!" "Next time run it by me and Jayden better hurry up before I fuck her up!" I walk off back to my office, Once there I take my slides off and lay on my couch, I drift off.

"Babe... babyyyy..." I feel soft wet lips against mine, It's my fiancée Jayden "Mmm" I pull her on top of me "You missed me?" She giggles "yes, How did court go?" I ask "We have joint custody so I'm happy about that, I just hope that Takai doesn't fuck it up for herself since she's with Dakota" Jay says "Why don't you like Dakota?" I ask "She just gives me weird energy but maybe it's nothing, Anyways I'll be back Dani wanted to talk to me!" Jay kisses me before leaving the office.
"Why are you getting high?" I take the blunt from Dani "I haven't had any alone time with you since you and Lyndon got engaged, You lost love for me or something?" Dani's breath smells of weed and liquor "Dani you are high and drunk what the fuck!" "Do you not love me anymore?" She asks "Dani, You know I love you come on now, You need to go home and sleep this off, let me call you a Uber" I shake my head "Fuck an Uber, I want to be with you..." She grabs my arm "Dani, I have to get back to work but I'll come see you when I'm done" "You've been telling me that for weeks now, if I'm not good enough anymore just fucking tell me okay, I'll leave you alone..." "Urghhh come on!" I text Lyndon about the situation and tell her I'll be home by ten then I help Dani get in the passenger seat while I get in the drivers seat.

Dani's House
"Can't you just love me?" Dani asks "I do love you but right now you need to go to bed!" I help her get into her bed "You know I wanted to marry you right?" She asks "Dani I still have the ring... Lyndon just wants me to wear the one she got me." I say. "I ain't good enough it's alright!" Dani lays in her bed, I lay next to her with my head on her chest.... I really do love Dani... I love Lyndon also.... "Babe.." Dani calls out "mmm?" I look at her "You and I have a deeper connection!" Dani says "You're drunk babe, please go to sleep!" Dani is actually right about us having a deeper connection but I can't let her be all drunk at work like this, Our relationship is still on the low, no one knows about us except Lyndon still. I want to come out and be happy with both woman but I don't know how people would take that especially Takai.... "I love you goodnight!" I say before falling asleep.

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