Chapter 11: Tragedy

Start from the beginning

Vision: Wanda, you can let go of me now.

Wanda: Sorry.

She let go of his arm while trying not to let her emotions get the best of her, something she was never very good at.

Wanda: Be careful.

Vision flew up into the air. He looked around the Island and saw many soldiers who silently surrounded them inside the thick bushes, as if they knew they could not face them head on. In the distance he could see tanks and flying machines waiting on standby. He could also faintly see some sort of energy dome that was projected all around the Island, trapping them inside.

One of the soldiers saw him flying in the air, but he didn't know it. The soldier silently let everyone else know about Vision being aware of their prescense. Vision quickly flew back to Wanda and talked to her very silently.

Vision: We have to go, now.

Wanda still didn't know what the situation was, but she knew something had to be wrong otherwise Vision wouldn't talk so silently. So she also replied with a whisper.

Wanda: Why? What's the problem?

Vision: We are being surrounded. They are everywhere.

Wanda: Who?

Vision: I believe these purple cracks in the sky are somehow a gateway, these people are coming out of it. More are appearing as we speak. The Island is also completely surrounded with a dome.

Wanda: How will we get away?

Vision: Can't you teleport us away?

Vision quickly sensed that what he said was making Wanda feel uneasy, she put her head down and mumbled.

Wanda: I don't... do that anymore.

Wanda didn't want to use her powers to get out of this situation. She swore to herself to never use it ever again. She actually thought she removed the power from within her, but it just slowly began resurfacing again. She didn't know it until she healed a squirrel that got stuck between vines hainging from a tree.

8 Months ago

Over the sixteen months she spent on the Island, this particular month was when she was at her lowest point. It was one of those days again. She completely lost herself after once again feeling immense guilt over what she's done with these powers over the years. It felt like a curse. She believed it was a curse.

Wanda went outside her cabin and flew into the sky, looking at the Island. She closed her eyes with tears rolling down her cheeks while flying back down. She stood on the tallest mountain on the Island and transformed into her Scarlet Witch outfit for one last time before she uttered two words.

Wanda: (Whispering) Never again.

Her outfit burst into flames and a giant red energy blast exploded from within her. It sent a shockwave through the entire Island. The next thing she knew was waking up hours later on that very same mountain top with chunks of her Scarlet Witch outfit spread across the ground and her crown being split in half in front of her feet. She felt a small sense of peace thinking she finally got rid of the Scarlet Witch "curse".

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