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     Third person POV:

     Happily ever after.

     Those were the words Jambu had been looking for. A long time, he had wondered what phrase there was to describe the miracle, the happiness, everything.

     How unlikely it had seemed that so much would change in such little time. In the span of about twenty years, everything had changed for the better. Just like in twenty years the war had worsened the world, the Dragonets had put it right again in about the same time span.

     The ignorance of the RainWings was no longer. Reading was common among them now, especially since they were sharing a home with the NightWings, arguably the most book-ish tribe. That was how Jambu had found the three words that felt so right in this case.

     Happily ever after. The words were printed on the pages of almost every story book he'd read. All of them reflected how the world would ideally be; how conflict should end, and the world be peaceful. Experience showed that this was almost never the case, and Jambu saw that now. The childish stories were simply wishes of a better world.

     And yet, for once, that was what happened. A fairy-tale ending, one in a million. The stars had aligned and the Dragonets had won, and it was all beautiful.

     Of course, there had almost been some slip-ups. Well, that time Darkstalker came back... and Scarlet... but of course, they were gone now. And Wasp had been dealt with, and now they had three new tribes to make friends with.

     Pineapple had described it to Jambu; the lost continent, the other Kingdoms on this one, everything. It sounded so beautiful. Yet, Jambu was content to remain in the rainforest. Queen Glory ruled and life was so peaceful. Other dragonets explored the world, and Jambu was happy for them, but felt that his own duty was to stay by the side of his queen.

     The RainWings had put their faith in the right dragon, finally. Queen Glory had grown to become a better queen than anyone could have ever imagined. She respected other queens, and wasn't afraid to use force when necessary, but kept a level head and looked for the peaceful solutions. She had a way with words, being able to find the balance between sounding weak and sounding threatening. She'd won most NightWings' respect against all odds, and was a force to be reckoned with.

     Jambu and Pineapple were on her counsel. Glory had taken the idea from Queen Snowfall, whom she had spoken to a few times and actually got along with after a little while. Granted, they weren't the best of friends, but they were civil towards each other and respected each other. Snowfall had mentioned her counsel to Glory, who thought it was an excellent idea and made her own. Jambu and Pineapple were on the peace comity, and their job was to bring up pros of maintaining peace between tribes. The war comity gave cons of such. This made it much easier for Glory to decide what course of action to take in response to a tribe overstepping and in some way offending hers.

     Besides her success as queen, Glory was also happy in her personal life. Jambu had visited her little cabin a few times, and met her three dragonets.

     They weren't supposed to have favorites, but Jambu had heard many of the others on the council had discussed the dragonets in private. Of course, all loved all three, but each had a specific one they favored.

     Orchid liked Firefly the most. "She reminds me most of Glory," Orchid had said. "Fierce, energetic, helping out a lot."

     Mangrove preferred Firefly's younger sister, Electricity. "Firefly's a little too loud. Tricity's quiet and lovely, very polite. She also loves helping out, by the way."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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