Three Royal RainWings

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     Glory's POV:

     Kinkajou was going to fight for the throne tomorrow.

     Jambu, Deathbringer and I were going to leave tomorrow evening.

     The RainWings, if Kinkajou won, would fight the NightWings in a matter of days.

     Pyrrhia was turning upside down....

     But I didn't care.

     Thinking in a clearing, only I was there,

     About emotions I can't share.

     I'm not good with what I feel.

     The dragon I always talk to helps me heal.

     But these emotions are about him, and I don't want him to know.

     Maybe one day: but for now it's a no.

     I'm scrunching up my snout,

     And waiting to figure it out.

     I'm watching the moons.

     I have a feeling that sleep won't come soon.

     Jambu's POV:

     I'm watching Kinkajou.

     Finding false and true,

     I'm eying my tribe,

     What an ignorant vibe,

     I'm not sure I want to be like them.

     I'm not just some pretty gem,

     When there's danger, away they slink,

     While I begin to think,

     I don't want to be a fool.

     My tribe's now but a tool,

     Shall I save them and stay?

     Or save the world and run away?

     Kinkajou's POV:

     I'm scared. My fate isn't my own anymore.

     Danger's knocking at our door.

     I want to run and hide, but I need to be brave.

     I need to help the tribe I'm not sure I can save.

     I half wish someone else took the throne.

     But so far the only way is my own,

     I need to try to help, be the first non-foolish queen,

     I need to be the best one that my tribe has ever seen.

     Glory's POV:

     I feel foolish. I feel bad.

     I feel anything but glad.

     He's not like my brother,

     But he's more than just another,

     What is he to me?

     How does he see me?

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