Unconscious I (Deathbringer)

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     Regular = Deathbringer Conscious Narration (It's hard to explain, you'll see what I mean)

     KEEP IN MIND PLZ: IN THIS CHAPTER, BOTH ITALIC AND UNDERLINED ITALIC MEAN DEATHBRINGER POV (underlined bits are just some central thoughts, like the main idea behind the train of thought)



     Deathbringer POV:

     Today was one of the sun-days. The ones where the ash from the volcano that polluted the air made way for the scorching heat from the sky. It beat down upon me as I crossed the land to the building. I sought comfort in the shade, grateful that most days I didn't even live here. I was out assassinating dragons instead, or at least disabling them so they couldn't fight in the war. I love and always have loved life away and alone. It's just how I was.

     I always came back here once every two weeks at least (unless I had a time-consuming mission) to check on everything and to update the NightWings on my progress. Sometimes there were meetings to attend, like today. Sometimes it was a quick catch-up and goodbye.

     I rounded the corner to the meeting hall and sat elegantly on the side. My pose was stiff and mysterious, void of emotion. (No pride in my stance, and no slinking away to show fear.) Stern, yet my position in the corner would not attract much attention. That's how it should be.

     The NightWings filled the seats up pretty quickly. Here, no one was tardy. Morrowseer and the other, ah, nuisances, made sure of that.

     The seats were filling up fast until about half the seats were taken. No more dragons came. The meeting began two minutes later.

     Looking around, I realized only Morrowseer and some other important dragons were here, along with a few NightWing assassins like me. Morrowseer glanced at a dragon to his left and then stood abruptly. He left the room silently.

     The dragon who sat next to Morrowseer's vacant chair began the meeting. Morrowseer had allowed another dragon to start a meeting a few times when they had something important to say, or when he had to leave to drag in a prisoner halfway through. But if that was the case, why were all the assassins here? Did they want us to kill the captured dragon? I found that an insult to our skills: we didn't need to kill some lowly captured coward, we were hired to fight the best.

     I realized I wasn't listening, and tried to focus on what the dragon was saying and not to get ahead of myself.

     "-therefore, I'm sure you know how hard it is to choose these assassins, seeing as we need to have skill and loyalty found in this dragon (or in this case dragonet). That's right, today we are here to discuss a possible new recruit. A NightWing dragonet wants to get involved in the war."

     "Normally, we would laugh in her face and say no, but we happen to have an amazing assassin here who started out as a dragonet and is pretty much still one. Deathbringer, what do you have to say in this matter?"

     My posture became straighter and taller, the kind that said 'all eyes on me.' I thought carefully and then spoke, "Yes, I was a dragonet when I became an assassin. I believe it made me better at my job to have skill from a young age. I say we question her and allow entry based on what she says."

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