Life Alone

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     Glory's POV:

     Days. It's been days.

     Maybe even a few weeks.

     Maybe a few years, or a lifetime. That's certainly how it felt.

     Since the strike... since he was gone.

     I was a mess and I knew it. My scales were never cheerful anymore. Of course they never were, but now they were void of color.

     "Yeah, and your scales are colorless, unlike a true dragon's!"

     A flashback. When Deathbringer defended me from Ugly.

     I dropped my head. I knew Deathbringer would want me to stay cheerful, to fight through this pain and carry on with our plan. But I just couldn't. I wasn't a true dragon.

     Not while a part of me was still missing.

     My scales were a reflection of the storm that stole my best friend. My eyes, those eyes he called beautiful green, probably weren't looking so bright right now... probably very dull indeed. With angry red veins in the shape of that lightning... and the tears that came in waves like the ocean that day....

     I blinked and cried more. Even when I looked at myself I was reminded of Death-of him. Saying or even thinking his name was too much at the moment.

     Sadly, desperately, I sang our song. The one I thought was cheesy, which was the only reminder I now had left of- of him.

     I got to the howl and raised my head to the moon. It echoed everywhere in my true depression, around, so loud it could probably be heard for miles.

     But though I waited for close to ten minutes, aside from that little nagging voice in my head there was no answer.

     Deathbringer's POV:

     The island I had landed on was small. One cave, not much greenery. Many rocks. Some food.

     In time my wing healed, the ugly scar from the - the whatever-it-was - stopped being so painful. Carefully, I could fly, but no tricky maneuvers.

     I had decided not to set out and find the NightWings to tell them of the memory loss - yet. I didn't know what they would do. I might have upseted them in a way that would want me dead in the time that I couldn't remember.

     The last thing I remembered...

     A name. No, two names.

     Bluemoon. Faintly. I think I heard it as "Blue" and the "Moon" part was just an afterthought.

     The second and more powerful name... Glory.

     Who were these dragons?

     I strained my memory to try to think of anything but a name. I thought and strained....


     The biggest boom of thunder... a brilliant white flash. I think there was pain. Yes, pain! In my wing and my head... my head hit something hard I think. That would explain why I was on the rocks when I woke up, and why there was a bit of sticky red there.

     I looked towards my wing and tried to feel anything, connect to my past self. I gazed, closed my eyes and felt... love?

     Well, that's weird. Why would I love an injury? Annoyed and discouraged, I sighed and gave up from trying to figure it out.

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