Fools Used As Tools

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      Deathbringer's POV:

      My wingtips skimmed the surface of the water as I flew through a (relatively) clear sky. It had been a few days since the encounter with the NightWings, and Glory and I were near the wreckage of the Summer Palace, where we would find Anemone.

      We hadn't gotten any sort of animus message or regular message, so we assumed Jambu had missed the Summer Palace. That's why Glory and I were going to find Anemone and bring her to the island.

      Glory has been acting strange lately, a little tense. I think it's because of the ocean, because of the hurricane here last time. I also winced every time a wave so much as touched my talon without me intending it to happen.

      I've tried comforting her, putting a wing around her: but she just tenses more. I think it's because when lightning struck, I hovered over her, and she's reminded by that. She also turns crimson when I do that, but I think it's because she's embarrassed at her reaction. So I've told her it's perfectly normal to feel the way she does, and that I feel it too. She looked at me a little strangely and then something crossed her face like understanding. And then she sadly said, "Yeah, I get it. The storm." She actually wilted. What did I do wrong?

      We flew most of the way to the Summer Palace in silence, reminded by the stupid hurricane that tore us apart for weeks. Once, I even caught tears sliding down Glory's snout, and this time I was 100% sure it was the storm because of how she was eyeing the ocean. When I tried to comfort her this time, she melted into the touch and blue swept her scales. She looked at me with a thanks in her eyes, and I nodded mutely.

     When we saw the Summer Palace, we assumed out positions. Glory camouflaged, and we crept into the place at the crack of dawn.

     Walking around, I spotted a graceful figure surfacing and watching the sun. She was a little rigid, but it was clearly the SeaWing princess.

     Relieved that no one else was around, I walked up to her. Glory stayed hidden in case anyone else came.

     "Anemone?" I asked.

     Anemone turned, and I couldn't see the look on her face because it was dark. "Oh, hello," she said, and her voice confirmed that it was really her.

     Relaxing a bit more, I said, "Hi! I'm Deathbringer, you probably don't know me. But maybe you've heard of Glory?"

     Glory un-camouflaged, and she said, "Hey, Anemone!"

     Anemone nodded. "Yes, I've heard of you."

     Glory nodded. "Okay, so... have you seen a RainWing, bright pink, around here lately?"

     Anemone seemed to be thinking hard. Finally, she said, "No... why?"

     I felt a little shiver down my spine, a shiver of danger. Did that mean Jambu was in trouble?

     Glory seemed to be thinking the same thing I was, because she said, "Can you do me a favor? Just a minor spell...? Sorry, I'm just really worried about my brother."

     Anemone tilted her head. "Sure," she said, with a strange tone.

     "Uh... can you see if Jambu reached the destination I told him to?"

     The dragonet nodded and picked up a stray stick. "Stick, I enchant you to turn green when I tap you with my claws if Jambu of the RainWings has reached the destination Glory of the RainWings spoke to him about."

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