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     Hello! Last chapter, Zircon and the other Dragonets of Destiny totally panicked and realized Glory was gone from the cave. This is kind of like a part 2 to Hailstorm, since it ended on a cliffhanger. Enjoy!

     Deathbringer's POV:

     Last night was rough. I build a fire in a little crevasse, which was protecting me from the wind. I didn't have much to feed the fire, but I found some kind of leather-y thing full of more leather-ish items. It looked like a miniature version of a sack, and the items looked like those things scavengers draped around themselves.

     A scavenger had probably slipped here and fell into the snow. It could have died, but there was a possibility that it used one of those little sharp thingies to climb up the wall and get out.

     It didn't really matter to me at the moment: what mattered was a way to survive the cold and possibly find a way to kill the Dragonets of Destiny.

     Anyways. That's where I had slept.

     The next day, I had woken up to the sound of a howl. It was... hard to describe. As if it had hope and gratefulness, but with an undertone of loneliness and misery....

     I had been listening to this howl for days now and I had made up my mind. This dragon's howls had captured my sympathy, and seemed to have already had a hold on my heart (try saying that five times fast.) I had lost my memory, my past self. Maybe it was time that I moved on and became a new dragon...? Maybe I would stop working for the NightWings. Maybe I would fall in love with this howling dragon. Maybe I would never regain my memory, but that was fine: I no longer cared about whoever was in my past: I just wanted to meet the dragon howling.

     Lime green, scared, must save her - BOOM!

     Okay... maybe that wasn't entirely true. I was still so curious to meet the dragon who had cared for me and who I had clearly cared for: and I needed to meet with Bluemoon to thank her from saving me from the evil voice of my father.

     Still, after I got some closure with them I wanted to meet with this dragon. So why not meet the dragon now, and then go catch up with those from the past afterwards?

     Mind made up, I flew to find this dragon.

     Third person POV:

     Now, we all know how this was supposed to go.

     Glory was supposed to stumble upon Deathbringer, they were to talk, and then she would leave and he would tell her his name.

     Unfortunately, Glory decided not to fly that way. She flew another way because she had spotted something very cool: a weirdly shaped ice spike with what seemed like a hole in it.

     Glory let out her misery there, this time alone. Cold and alone. That's how it should be, she had thought fiercely. The poor dragonet had believed that she was destined to work alone now. She didn't want to find someone else, she just wanted to work with Deathbringer or no one.

     Of course, she didn't know that she had just missed a chance of getting exactly what she asked for.

     Deathbringer's search for Glory was unsuccessful, so he sat down and waited. Death made camp in the snow just to be able to spot the howling dragon.

     He would sit in the snow for hours, watching and waiting.

     Zircon's POV:

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