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Hi! A pretty long one this time. It still needs editing. I fully expect people to be confused. Comment for answers! Okay bye for now!

WARNING: Chapter contains blood. Juuust saying. Also some negative thoughts and self-sacrifice. Nothing too terrible though. Also contains bad writing :/ I'll fix it later

Third person POV:

"NO!" Tsunami screamed. She dove to the ground and grabbed Clay, shaking his talons frantically. "No no no NO! Don't DIE, you stupid bigwings! Get your lazy self off your butt and tell me you're alright!"

"Tsunami!" Sunny yelled sharply when Tsunami's talons dug in. She flew towards the SeaWing and tried to pull her off, but it was half-hearted. Sunny tried for a moment more, but gave in, her eyes full of panic.

"Starflight! There must be SOMETHING we can do!" cried Glory in horror. She stared at their MudWing writhing on the ground. He didn't deserve this. This shouldn't have happened.

I couldn't protect him.

This is my fault.

Dragons get hurt because of me.

In her moment of weakness when she realized Clay was going to die, she'd let the feelings wash over her. Beneath the overwhelming panic was a huge, boiling chasm of guilt, waiting its turn to bubble to the surface.

He's going to die. He's going to die and I promised I'd protect him.

She felt cool scales touch hers. Deathbringer. Sometimes, she wished he was a mind reader for real. Then, she wouldn't have to say anything, and she'd have someone who knew how she felt anyways.

However, even though he wasn't a mind reader, he leaned next to her and seemed to know a little about what she was thinking. He brushed up against her, squeezing her talon in his. She didn't try to pull away. What was the point? Everything was too depressing.

"Are you okay?" Deathbringer whispered to Glory, and the screams of panic seemed to melt into the background around her.

"You should be worrying about Clay," Glory answered without answering.

"The others have got him covered. I don't want to get into the way of their mourning," he muttered, seeming genuinely awkward and uncertain. "They knew him well. We barely met him."

"He's going to die," Glory blurted suddenly. "He's going to die and it's all my fault. It should have been me."

"No," said Deathbringer gently. "You heard Tsunami. He's their bigwings. You know MudWing bigwings. They wouldn't let anything happen to their sibs, and they'd feel guilty if they weren't the ones to protect them."

It was true enough, but then again, Glory didn't want Deathbringer to be reasonable. No one wanted anyone to be reasonable in death, because death was unreasonable. She didn't want to be comforted. She wanted to stew in her misery.

"If anything, it's my fault too," said Deathbringer, seemingly determined to make Glory feel better. But it just made her feel worse. Deathbringer's voice was stable as he calmly explained why he was at fault, but his talons gave him away. They were twitching and making fists, as if frustrated that they couldn't do anything to help. Glory had made it feel like it was his fault. Glory had made him sad. Glory had ruined his life.

No no no, said the little voice in her head that she was never sure was Truth or Lie. Don't you remember a little while ago, in the rainforest? He said you were a GOOD influence on him.

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