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     Glory HATED NightWings.

     At least, at age 9 months she did.

     'Smol Glory' as she referred to her past self now, knew how to talk, walk, and change scale colors.

     Smol Glory was also very stupid.

     For one, Smol Glory still thought RainWings were an aWeSOmE tribe. As in, not lazy fruit eaters.

     For another, Smol Glory had a nickname. It wasn't that she had anything against nicknames, but this was an unnecessary and... well, a bad one. Here it was: Glo.

     Now, why did this young dragonet hate NightWings?

     Well, for one she heard they were very smug and secretive and didn't get involved in the war. She was very disgusted at them for not getting involved. Her tribe (the RainWings) were just raising enough dragonets to go to the war... right? They would eventually go out there and fight... right?

     Well. For another reason, they were black. Black was the color of evil, Glory soon learned, and that's why no RainWing could ever turn black. She had a theory that NightWings were evil, and this was just one piece of evidence.

     For another, they could READ MINDS. ARGH. That was CLEARLY a supervillain power! Why did NO ONE else try to understand or try to FIGHT THEM? Were they all COWARDS? (Yes, but Smol Glory didn't know that.) She supposed it was up to her to figure this out.

     The older RainWings opened the dragonet nursery one day, saying something about a holiday. The tiny dragonets were allowed outside until they reached the Apricot Belt. The Apricot Belt was a group of trees that completely surrounded a small part of the RainWing village, known as the Dragonet Wing. Most of the time, the young dragonets were kept in their nursery: but since it was safe, they were allowed out a bit.

     They were told scary stories about stuff that lay outside the belt so they didn't go out. Well, as scary as a RainWing could come up with... no fruit trees every 10 feet. They said the big dragons could survive because they were, well, bigger: but that the little ones needed to stay inside.

     Glo snorted at this news and figured she would sneak juuuuuust past the belt to look around a bit. They let the dragonets out, and Glo pranced around, ready.

     As the other dragonets played, Glo strayed over to the edge of the fruit trees. Remember, this was before she knew the tribe didn't realize when she disappeared: so she figured someone must be guarding the place, looking after the dragonets. It took all of her concentration, but Glo camouflaged and slipped between the trees. (Had she known how careless her tribe was, she wouldn't have bothered: she would have just waltzed through the tree line.)

      Glo eventually got to a tiny clearing and saw a bunch of clovers. She had never seen clovers before, but heard them being mentioned in the RainWing village. They said if you found a four-leaf clover, you were instantly given a week of luck. You just had to take care of the clover.

     Glo pranced among the clovers, searching impatiently. Where was her luck? Her glory? Glo stopped to consider this ironic statement: Glory's glory. But then she kept searching.

     Glo looked around, unaware that someone else was there.

     Darkness in a shadow at the edge of her clearing. The flash of a silver scale against the sun.

     A NightWing.

     For a moment, both Glo and the NightWing froze. Glo took a moment to analyze him in her head.

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