The Quiet RainWing

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     Glory's first year of life consisted of exploring... the nursery.

     She wanted to know all the things around in her Rainforest. She wanted to find all the fruits, all the good hiding spots, and all the good paths through her home. However, the only place she truly managed to explore was the dragonet nursery.

     For some reason, they wouldn't let Glory out until she was 2 years old (the rain forest village was safe for young dragonets, but perhaps not babies!)

     So Glory ended up exploring the dragonet nursery until she knew every inch. Then she started a new mission: learning to fly.

     Glory mainly wanted to do this so she could escape the nursery from time to time. The problem was, the reason she could technically "fly out" was because the big dragons had left the place roofless. Why? Because dragonets at that age couldn't fly. It was tested a lot and it was very hard for a one year old to even lift off the ground. They usually learned to fly around the age of three.

     But Glory really was not like the others. Instead of happy pink, she had curious purple. Instead of cheerful yellow, she normally liked to be a mysterious dark blue. She was quiet, more interested in her own goals than making friends. She wasn't lazy, prepared to do anything to prove it.

     She started extending and stretching her wings a lot, trying to get them to catch a small breeze. This helped by propelling her forwards a little and giving her a slight sense of balance in the air.

     Then she began jumping while doing so and realized she went farther. Soon she had mastered gliding pretty well and could jump off high things and glide all the way down. It wasn't flying, but it was close.

     She was one and a half when she finally managed to fly for the first time.

     Glory was perched on a post. It was basically a mini jungle gym but dragonet edition. While most were giggling and playing down below, Glory had climbed all the way up. As always she camouflaged herself when she was about to take off, so no one knew she could glide.

     Carefully she eyed the ledge, and then jumped. She extended her wings and then did something strange. What if I lift my wings upwards: is that how to fly?

     Glory did this and quickly plummeted, because her wings were no longer at the right angle for her to glide.

     NOT RIGHT, NOT RIGHT! She almost turned lime green in fear but remembered to keep camouflaging herself. She pushed her wings downwards with all her might - and suddenly she was flying! She quickly mastered the rest after that, once in the air she could fly all around and land too. However she could not take off.

     Glory decided to wait before sneaking out of the nursery. She needed to learn to take off in case something went wrong outside.

     So Glory snuck out of the dragonet nursery when she was almost two years old.

     Glory's second year of life consisted of ACTUALLY exploring the whole Rainforest. It really took up most of the year, the kingdom was huge and she was just a small dragonet. She did spy a great place for another village though.

     Glory's third year was when she learned about the war. Some RainWings were whispering about it so she looked into it. She went to the mud kingdom (it was nearest) and camouflaged for a day there. She overheard a lot about the war and even a few comments about "lazy RainWings." She was outraged.

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