Two Types of Shocks and a Firefly (Mother's Day Special)

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     Hi everyone! Sorry for the late special, I had a very busy day yesterday and also published a chapter so yeah. Anyways, this chapter is going to have something in it that may seem very important now, but will seem even more important later. If you read, you'll probably find out what I mean ;)

     Anyways, hope you enjoy :3

     Glory's POV:

     I woke up to a young purple dragonet of five years gently waking me up. Her snout hovered a few inches from mine, and she said, "Wake up mother, today is an important day in more ways than one."

     I sat up elegantly, a trick being queen for years has taught me. Slipping out of bed, I smiled at my daughter Electricity, also known as Tricity.

     Tricity gave me a small smile as well, and said, "Happy Mother's Day!"

     I allowed my scales to turn a very light lilac, just a few shades away from pink. I looked at my purple dragonet with silver, blue and lilac/pink scales scattered about her wings proudly.

     "Where's Firefly?" I asked the dragonet.

     "She's with dad," Tricity replied. I should have expected that: Firefly had a lot of the same interests as Deathbringer, though she had the sarcastic/serious personality I possessed.

     "And what about your twin?" I asked. At this, a few of my scales almost turned blue, but I caught them just in time.

      That didn't matter, though: Tricity knew how I felt. It was just something she had a knack for, or maybe a weak ability that should have been mind reading. After all, she and her brother hatched under one full moon.

     Quietly, Tricity said, "He's alone again."

     I sighed. I should have been used to it by now, but I wasn't.

     Firefly was Deathbringer's daughter, but you could also tell she was mine. My eldest daughter was a RainWing, but she had some black scales in patterns all over her, particularly on her back. The rest of her dragon body had RainWing scales, and she possessed venom. Sarcastic and serious, as mentioned earlier. She was a fighter for sure.

     On the other hand, Electricity was clearly more NightWing. She had mainly purple scales and some lilac, and she had a few other colors around her wings. Tricity also possessed some golden scales, much like a NightWing's silver scales. Tricity had teardrop scales around her eyes, which is what led me to suspect that she was an empath. My only other daughter's nature was observant, quiet, and wise. Neither Deathbringer nor I knew where she got those genes from, because neither of us were quiet, and we weren't wise in the way Tricity was. Tricity didn't have fire or venom, but could somehow disappear even though she didn't have RainWing scales or NightWing ones. She was there and then she wasn't: she was talking to Firefly and then she was tapping your shoulder.

     If anything, Tricity's twin Charcoal was even more of a mystery. He was a NightWing through and through, but under his wings he had color-changing scales. Electricity had the fangs that would give her venom (though she possessed none) while Charcoal didn't. I suspected Charcoal had fire, but I never caught him using it. Why didn't I catch him using it, if he was my own son? Well, Charcoal never... never really acted like a dragonet. There was a year and a half when he was childish and cute, but then suddenly turned moody and shut everyone out. He was always alone, and occasionally cruel to us, as if he wanted his family to forget him. Though these days, he's more distant than rude. Charcoal has no teardrop scales and is almost completely black (hence the name.) He used to have color-changing scales scattered randomly about while he was a dragonet, but now he keeps them black all the time.

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