He is not your demise

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The sun was rising but all was lost. Voldemort and his army walked forward.

'Harry potter is dead.' voldemort declared ginny ran forward but she was pulled back. 'silly girl from this day forth you put your faith in me. Harry potter is dead!' he cheered. 'And now is the time to declare yourself come forward and join us. Or die.'

'Draco. Draco.' lucius demanded

'Draco.' narcissa pleaded come. Draco walked towards them.

'Well done draco well done.' voldemort applauded. Neville limped forward 'Well i had hoped for better.' The death eaters laughed. 'what is your name?'

'I'm Neville Longbottom.' The death eaters laughed they knew the longbottoms. ' I am Neville longbottom and i have something to say.' He declared 'It doesnt matter that harry is gone. People die every day friends family. Harry died tonight but he is still here with us in our hearts. All of them. He didnt die in vain. But you will because youre wrong, harrys heart beat for all of us its not over.' Harry sprung to life. Voldemort looked around shocked as some of his followers fled lucius included while the students moved back to hogwarts.

'Kill the snake. Kill voldemort.' Harry murmured as he collapsed the ceiling down on voldemort aiming for nagini but voldemort got back up. He lost too much to lose now.

'Come on tom lets finished this the way we started it. Together.' Harry pulled them over the cliff clinging to him as they fell voldemort tried to get free of harrys grasp as they finally landed in the courtyard. Both men crawled to their wands a blaze of green from toms wand while fiery red from harry but harry flew back back Voldemort panted for breath when he saw lula. Lula stood strong and confident.

'He is not your demise.' Lula informed him. 'I am.'

'Lula. I warned you if you came after me. I warned you lula.' Voldemort pleaded.

'Im sorry nagini.' lula whispered she pulled the snake apart. Her hands clasping together and forcing them apart with such strength that nagini splattered.

Feeling another piece of himself go. His wand flew from his hand lula caught it. Voldemort dropped to his knees. Lula held him in her arms.

'Im sorry.' he told her as voldemort faded away. Ashes floating away until she was left with nothing. She dropped the elder wand getting back to severus. It was over they had won but if she didn't fix severus she would lose too.

'Severus.' lula whispered his eyes blinked open. 'Hi' she coed. 'Youre going to be okay.' She promised. 'No curse or sleeping spell required.' lula whispered. 'Im bringing you back. Here and now. just hold on... just hold on...'

Light // Severus Snape // (2.1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang