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'Sir?' tom questioned 'is it true that professor Zorn is retiring?'

'I don't know and thank you for the pineapple treat it is my favorite.' Slughorn informed him. 'How did you know?' Slughorn questioned happily eating the treat.

'Intuition' Tom replied smiling over at lula as the chime went off.

'time flies when you are having fun, doesn't it?' slughorn remarked. 'off to bed.' Their friends headed off but lula stayed with tom. 'Look sharp Tom you don't wanna be caught out of bed after hours...' but tom didn't move. 'is something you mind?'

'Go on lula. Ill see you in a bit.' Tom said kissing her cheek.

'You see I didn't know who I could go to the other professors are not like you...' tom informed him sweetly. 'I didn't think they would understand.' Tom went on.

'Go on' slughorn encouraged.

'I was in the library the other night and the restricted section and I read some thing... I was hoping you could help me understand it. It was...' his words became mumbled.

'I don't know anything about that get out of here at once!' slughorn demanded. Lula was pulled from the memory, confused.

'seems strange doesnt it?' albus questioned 'That Memory was tampered with by the person whose memory it is I need you to get inside what really happened that night what he found out.' Albus told him.

'I cant albus.' Lula told him. 'I'm already skating on thin ice as it is. I cant be meddling around in someones mind. I wont.' Lula told him walking out.

'he was your best friend. You loved him once.' Albus called after her.

'I did.' She agreed turning around. 'you still don't trust me... do you?' lula questioned.

'Professor Malfoy, what gives you that idea?' albus questioned turning away from her.

'the ring. My ring.' She clarified. 'you gave it to me. wanted me to wear it, I assure. Because you wanted it to kill me like its killing you?' lula pondered but she knew the truth. She felt the spell, she could sense magic better than before, the darkness that flowed through her for 14 years. She felt all the magic and the mystic more.


'You don't trust me, yet you wanted me back here? you wanted me here. At Hogwarts. I trusted you. I wanted to be a nurse. I wanted to be a healer!' lula declared. 'but when you came to me the first time saying I would make an excellent professor, I believed you. Then again when you came to me... but that was really you just wanting to keep a closer eye on your enemies.... wasn't it?' albus couldn't speak his words lodged in his throat. 'God Albus. You really do hate me.' lula spun around storming out.

Albus replayed the memory for Harry. Harry agreed. He didn't know how he was going to get slughorn to admit such things but he had to try. 

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