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'Thank you,' lucius told severus stepping onto hogwarts grounds.

'You swear you wont say anything?' Severus questioned

'I swear it. I just miss my sister. Please severus.' Lucius begged. 'I just miss my sister.'

'Alright. If anything and i mean ANYTHING-' severus threatened

'Nothing will happen i just miss her. She came back and ran away. You got her. I lost her all over again. She is my blood. My sister. My best friend. Please severus my intention are purely selfish. I miss my sister.' Lucius assured him.

Severus led them down to the dungeons it was early Saturday morning so lula was still asleep when severus got out if bed. Severus pushed open his door quickly leading lucius inside.

'This is your room.' Lucius reminded him.

'Lula has been staying here. She feels safer.' Severus told him. Not a complete lie he thought as he walked through his room her things scattered around lucius picked up an old christmas present he had given her many years ago. She still had it. She chosen to bring it with when she fled the manor.

'Where is she severus?'

'Sleeping still. Waking up to have the world flipped on its head, is exhausting.' Lucius walked past severus and into the bed room. The room opened without a creak. Lucius took slow steps towards his sister sleeping peacefully in snapes bed.

'Hello my dear' he whispered pushing the hair from her face and giving her forehead a kiss. She didnt wake her chest rose and fell evenly as she was fast asleep. Severus stood at the door not entirely trusting lucius but his intentions did seem true. For now at least.

'Come on lucius lets have some tea until she wakes,' severus suggested. But the light clattering of cups pulled lula from her dream and woke groggily her eyes blinking awake. She moved to the bathroom washing her face and brushing her hair. Lucius perked up when he heard movement standing from his seat but severus told him to wait that she would be out in a moment. His wide eyes narrowed at severus. Then he heard bare feet padding out of the bedroom.

'It smells like that cologne i got Lucius for his 16th birthday in here-' lula began with a laugh until she saw him. Her brother. 'Luci. What are you-' but he hugged her. Enveloping his arms around her she quickly returned it.

'I have missed you lula' lucius sobbed in her ear. 'Please come back i need you, come home.' Lula pulled away

'Lucius i dont approve your and toms actions. I want no part of it. So as long as you house this monstrous man malfoy manor is no longer my home.'

'But lula i miss you. I feel like i lost you all over again.' Lucius cried out

'Luci you havent lost me,' lula coed pulling him back to her she looked over his shoulder severus stood in the kitchen tea cup in hand but it never made it to his lips to drawn in with their conversation.

'I have though havent i?' Lucius questioned

'You can still turn away from tom from Voldemort...' lula reminded him.

'No he would kill me and narcissa and draco. I know it.' Lucius told her

'What a better reason to run.' lula reminded him.

'No. No please lula i miss you. I need you. I dont want to live another 14 years without my sister!' Lucius looked like a man but sounded like her lucius tears down his face begging her not to go.

'You know where to find me.' Lula told him.

'Tea?' Severus questioned looking to lula.

'Stay for tea luci. Catch me up'. Lula requested leading lucius to the couch keeping her arms around his neck as she kissed his cheek.

Light // Severus Snape // (2.1)Where stories live. Discover now