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'Neither can live with the other one survives. That means one of us is going to have to kill the other in the end.' Harry remarked.

'Yes' Dumbledore said

'Why didn't you tell me?'

'Same reason why you tried to save sirius and your friends tried to save you.' Albus told him, 'after all these years after all you have suffered, I did not want to cause you more pain. I care too much about you.'

'Harry?' Lula stepped onto the dorm. 'Oh sorry, I can come back.' Lula said turning around but albus stood up.

'Come in, Professor. I was just leaving.' Albus informed her walking away.

'Harry I just wanted to say I'm sorry. For everything.' Lula told him.

'Its not your fault.' Harry reminded her.

'it feels like it is.' Lula told him sitting down across from him on an empty bed. 'harry none of this would have happened if I had just died. He wouldn't be trying to live forever o we could be together he wouldn't have gone down this path of darkness. I know it.'

'Dumbeldore was the one that put the kill order out on you, wasn't he?' harry questioned and lula nodded.

'yes that's right but... I'm not mad at him. Not entirely.' Lula admitted.

'if he hadn't sent my parents to kill you they would still be alive and Voldemort wouldn't be Voldemort!' harry reminded her.

'yes, perhaps...' lula admitted. 'perhaps this was always the path Tom would have taken. Perhaps if things were different, him and I would still be together but things are not different.' She let out a pained breath. 'I'm sorry about Sirius black.' She repeated before walking out.


'I feel like the worst person in the world!" lula declared.

'I assure you, you are not.' Severus told her.

'all this is happening because of me' she reminded him.

'yes, the dark lord went off the rails after you were attacked but you were unconscious for years, this is not your fault. This is his fault. All his. You are not like him.'

'he was my best friend for 11 years but until the moment i... severus how did I not see it? How could I be so stupid!' lula declared burying her face in her hands.

'None of this is your fault. If anything... its Albus's.' severus reminded her.

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