Who is she?

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'He is getting stronger and stronger by the minute we have to act now.' Sirius said as Mrs. Weasley closed the kitchen door, hugging Harry

'Was that a Potter?' Lula questioned quietly to severus

'Yes.' Severus told her softly.

'He looks like his father.' Lila muttered, 'that's... something alright.'

'Yes he is certainly something, that we are agreed.' Severus told her.

'I have another meeting,' severus whispered to lula. 'I will take you home first-'

'Lula please stay. Let us apologize properly.' Sirius begged.

'Go,' lula told Severus. 'But if former gryffindors end up dead, dont blame me.' Severus looked at her hesitantly. 'I will meet you back home.' He nodded, and kissed her cheek before leaving. 'Talk.' lula said tipping back in her chair. But harry and the weasley children came running down the stairs for supper.

'Just because you can do magic now doesn't mean you have to pop everywhere!' Mrs. Weasley yelled at her son's.

'Harry Potter,' Sirius said opening his arms out

'Sirius!' Harry said hugging him tightly

'I don't understand what the ministry of magic has against me.' Harry told them, lula stood in the back of the room, it was strange to see Sirius and Remus all grown up, mustaches on their faces, aged eyes but seeing James Potters child... 'and who is she?' harry turned his gaze on Lula. 'are you part of the order too?' lula froze, the boy had attitude like his father that was for sure.

'Don't worry about her... show him,' Moody said 'he'll find out soon enough.' They passed him down a daily prophet.

'He's been attacking Dumbledore as well. Fudge is using all his power and influence over the daily prophet to smear anyone who claims the dark Lord is real,' sirius told him

'Why?' Harry questioned incredulously

'The minister thinks Dumbledore is failing at his job.' Remus told him

'That's insane, no one in their right mind would believe that Dumbledore-' Harry began.

'That's the point, fudge is not in his right mind. He is being twisted and warped by fear.' Remus told him 'and fear makes us do a lot of things fear and power almost destroyed everything we hold most dear and now he has returned and I'm afraid the minister will do almost anything to avoid facing the truth.' Remus looked to lula as she looked over Harry shoulder grabbing the paper once he was done, reading it over. Tom was manipulating people... spreading fear and panic all in the name of avenging her...

'We think Voldemort wants to build up his army again,' Sirius went on his gaze flickering to a semi distraught lula, her eyes scanning the paper again and again.

'14 years ago he had huge number of followers not just witches and wizards but all manner of dark creatures,' Sirius went on 'his numbers have been increasing heavily and we have been trying to do the same but a gathering of follower isn't the only thing he's interested in... we believe Voldemort might be after something.' Lula's eyes popped up. She didn't know that. what? Who?

'Sirius.' moody warned

'Something he did not have last time.' Sirius went on looking to Lula.

'What do you mean like a weapon?' Harry asked . Sirius was about to answer, Lula wanted to know too.

'That's enough,' Mrs. Weasley said 'he's just a boy, you tell him much more and you might as well induct him into the order.'

'I want to join, if Voldemort is raising army then I want to join.' Harry told them, brave idiot like his father too lula noted.

"There you have it, he wants to join.' Sirius said winking at Harry before glancing at Lula. Harry noticed his God fathers gaze and turned to Lula.

'Who is she?' Harry turned his attention to lula.

'No one.' She said leaving quickly.

'Lula wait!' Remus said following her out but she was already gone. 

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