Of course it lies with him.

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After camping out in the woods for days on end everything seemed hopeless. They were not strong enough, Voldemort was too strong.

'Professor malfoy gave us a cloaking spell do you still have it?' Hermione questioned nervously.

'Of course i do.' Harry held it up

'How do we know its not a tracker!' Ron countered 'come on we have to destroy it!"

'Because professor malfoy has been kind to us. Helped us and she has just as much reason to hate Voldemort.' Hermione reminded him. 'plus they haven't caught us yet.'

'Voldemort is not trying to kill her.' Ron retorted and threw the charm down smashing it.

'I wish you hadnt done that'. A wisp of white smoke was released from the air as the charm shattered.

Death eaters found them quickly. Chasing them maliciously through the forest the death eaters were getting closer and closer because the children kept falling, their spells weren't as strong as the dark magic the death eaters were throwing at them.

Hermione knew they were getting counter so she blasted harry herself, morphing his face. As he collapsed to the ground he was pulled into Voldemorts mind.

'I knew you would come one day Tom but I no longer have what you seek.'

'Tell me where it is tell me who has it?' Voldemort spat.

'The elder wand.'

'The elder wand... of course it lies with him it lies with Dumbledore.'


'Your boyfriend will get a lot worse than that if he doesn't behave himself... what happened to you ugly?' the death eaters looked to harry. 'What's your name?'

'Vernon Dudley' harry told him quickly.

'What's your name?' they questioned Hermione.

'Penelope Clearwater.' Hermione told him 'I'm half blood.'

'There's no Vernon Dudley on here.' A death eater said viewing the list.

'It doesn't matter they want to know... let me see the boy...' the death eater gripped onto harrys morphed face. 'change of plan we're not taking this lot to the ministry. '

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