Year 4

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Year four


'Seriously.' tom confirmed

'What the fuck are you doung talking to me then! Go get her!' Theo declared pushing him out of the dorm

'How do i look?'

'Too handsome to be a halfblood.' theo told him tom rolled his eyes. He hated his bloodline. 'It doesnt matter she gonna be taking it all off anyways right?' Theo said with a waggle of his eyebrows.

'Astronomy tower?'

'Astronomy tower.' lula confirmed fixing her hair.

'Damn you too. You look hot! Go get your man!' Bellatrix declared shoving her out the dorm.

'Tom.' lula said a big smile on her face, both being shoved to the common rooms by their friends.

'Lula,' tom grabbed her hand and they ran through the halls past curphew smiles on their faces making their way up to the stars.

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