Half blood prince

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Half Blood Prince

'Come on we have to go!'

' I'm not going to that.' severus said as they walked through the shops.

'Yes, you are.' Lula corrected a big smile on her face. 'Oh my gosh it's brilliant! we've always needed a joke shop!' Lula told him

'We do not need a joke shop. We need more spots to get potions not things for children to torment Professors.' Severus reminded her

'Come on it will be fun and I haven't seen you all summer except for meetings,' lula reminded him. That was intriguing but Severus knew what today was and his smiling lula would revert back to her brainwashed, Voldemort loving self.

'No. you should be going to Borgins they will be starting soon.' Severus reminded her.

'I'm going in I'll meet you later, I have plenty of time.' Lula said as she pulled open the door with a wink it was beautiful! Lula wandered around the store happily as games and tricks lined the walls.

'Love potions they really do work although you're doing good on your own aren't you sis.' She heard Fred and George telling Ginny.

'I don't know if you're talking about.' Ginny told them

'I heard you were dating Dean Thomas.' the boys said in unison.

'I don't know what you're talking about.' Ginny repeated putting the love potion down.

'Boys your shop is amazing!' Lula declared when they saw her.

'Professor!' they said happily 'We Were hoping that you would stop by.'

'Of course I love tricks, you guys leaving was probably the best day at Hogwarts... no offense taken your exit was extraordinary and I'm going to miss you both dearly.'

'Thank you Professor.' they echoed happily

'So what's something I can use at school? Something semi innocent but fun you know just in case the children cause trouble?" she asked sweetly

'Right this way professor.' they echoed.

'You boys might have been the only students that I liked outside of the slytherins and now you are gone.' Lula informed them as they showed her around the store.

'You can come and visit us anytime.' They assured.

'I'm sure I will.' She picked up a few more of the dangerous bobbles.

'Careful with that professor, don't want you frying your eyebrows off.' George declared.

'Trust me. fire is my friend.' Lula assured them.


'Where is lula?' Narcissa questioned to lucius

'She is supposed to be here.' lucius remarked quietly as they prepared for what was to come.

The initiation was about to begin.

'I'm here, I'm here!' Lula declared and she was hushed immediately upon her arrival. 'SHHH to you too.' Lula mocked. 'God I think people forget who THE FUCK IS IN CHARGE HERE!" she shouted around the room before turning a smile on at her family. 'Luci,' she said sweetly, "Cissy,' then she looked to Draco. 'Big day my love.' Lula coed holding his face in her hands. 'You ready honey?'

'I'm ready.' Draco informed her. 

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