Slug club

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Slug club... Slug club holiday party. Lula both hated and loved the slug club.

'Miss malfoy. So nice to see you darling. Thank you for coming.' Slughorn said happily she searched the room for severus as he was getting his shoes barfed on she held back a snigger as she watched his face form into a deeper frown.

'Yes. It is darling to see me.' lula agreed moving to the drinks. 'punch,' she muttered. 'Dean,' lula hissed. 'you got something for this?' she questioned pointing at the bland punch. He happily held up a flask. 'good boy.' She coed. 'best not to do these parties sober.' Lula informed him with a wink.

'Not so fast potter.' He asked harry. 'I am to give you a message...' harry looked to severus confused. 'Dumbledore asked to give me a message that you have a good holiday and he will see you when term resumes.' Severus informed him stiffly.

'Where is he?' Harry questioned

'He will not be back until after the break.' Severus repeated.

'where did he go?' harry questioned but Severus walked away.

'I was date crashing!' Draco said pulling out of filtchs grip

'I will escort him out.' Severus told them

'Certainly Professor.' Draco said rushing out lula was quick on their heels.

'I swore to protect you. I made the unbreakable vow.' Severus told him pushing him up against the wall.

'I don't need protection I'm not afraid!' Draco shouted

'You are afraid, try to hide it but it is easy for me to see.' severus told him

'No I was chosen this is my moment!' Draco shouted.

'draco,' lula coed, her hands on his face his eyes darted to her. 'my dear boy...' he let out a deep breath sinking into her touch. 'its okay to be scared. As long as you do what needs to be done in the end.' Lula assured him.

'I can do it.' Draco told her.

'I know you can. You are a Malfoy.' Lula reminded him. 'the best of the best.'

Darkness // Tom Riddle // Voldemort // (2.2)Where stories live. Discover now