I am the boss

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The Weasley's were probably her favorite students ever the elder to that is. Fred and George were trouble and Lula loved it. As their final farewell and fuck off to divorce they blew up the dining hall with the creations the little tricks and gadgets they have made Lulu loved every second of it. She couldn't stop smiling as Dolores face, petrified was engraved in her mind.

'Truth serum?' lula muttered. 'this woman is too damn much. I don't like albus but her? Godric she is worse somehow and she didn't try to have me killed!' lula told Severus as they walked to the great hall for dinner. "What did she find out?' severus's step faltered as they walked.

'Nothing much. Cho, a ravenclaw-'

'I know cho, what about her?'

'She confessed they were meeting, trying to build an army to fight against Voldemort.' Severus said breezily. Trying not to sound worried. He wasn't worried about the children. He was worried what Voldemort would have lula do if he found out, even if Albus had no control over it, no in put whatsoever...

'Idiots,' lula muttered. 'do they understand how power...' she lowered her voice as they entered the great hall. 'I mean seriously? They think that... whatever. I will tell him and see what he wants to do.'

'to do?' severus questioned.

'I don't think we need to do anything, ive seen them in class, they are scrappy, they are not going to win against Theo Nott, let alone you know who.' Lula informed him.

'Right, of course. Then maybe best not to bother him about it.' Severus suggested.

'I'm heading to the manor this weekend anyways.' Lula told him. Lula Sat at the long table eating a bowl of cherries. She put the chair in her mouth popping the stem off chewing the fruit before spreading the seed onto the plate in front of her. Pop chew spit. Severus watched her, how easily she sat there, content when Hogwarts was falling apart around her. when the world was falling apart around her. Pop. Chew. Spit. Pop. Chew.

'Fucker' lula shouted making a few slytherin students snigger with laughter. 'Bit the fucking seed.' She said spitting the broken cherry seed out in front of her. 'Oou my tooth' she groaned.

'Come on I got something for that in potions class.' Severus said leading her away.


'Dumbeldor must be really losing his mind.' Tom declared with a laugh. 'trying to raise an army of children to come after me... after us!' lula nodded agreeing completely.

'I know. Its crazy.'

'they are children. Useless against us.' Tom told her pulling her in.

'Severus is going to make some veritis serum to loosen some lips but I don't think we should worry. I'm their professor afterall and I see their lack of skills first hand.' Lula reminded him.

'either way it needs to stop.' Tom told her.

'I know. Little shits, just like their parents. Persistent to. honestly I don't think albus has a clue what they are doing in his name.' lula told tom.

'you don't?' tom questioned curiously.

'Albus has been AWOL for months now. you really think he is recruiting children? Why rick coming out of hiding for inexperienced, unskilled, hormonal teens?'

'Maybe suggest Draco and his friends track them down. Show him what a taste of power feels like, turn him into a man and less of a whiny push over.' Tom told her.

'hey, that's my whiny push over of a nephew.' Lula reminded him. 'and draco is a right shit at school I will have you know. Its just here where he needs that attitude. That spunk and passion. I will get them there.' lula assured. 'now... no more talk.' Lula begged.

'The room of requirement.' Lula told Tom as she freed him of his cloak.

'we had some fun there.' Tom remarked as he kissed down her neck, her chest.

'Those shits found the room of requirement. That's how they are staying under the radar.' Lula declared.

'that's why you are the boss.' Tom teased.

'I am the boss.' Lula told him forcing his head down. 'and don't you forget it.'

Darkness // Tom Riddle // Voldemort // (2.2)Where stories live. Discover now