Chicken fight

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'Chicken fight?' Lula challenged

'Really lula?' Lucius questioned with a laugh

'Scared? Old.. man...' lula teased.

'Never.' Luvius declared pulling off his shirt. 'Draco. You win this.' Lucius demanded.

'I would be haopy to have you on my shoulder professor.' Goyle said grinning over at her.

'Yeaaaaah.. no.' lula assured him. 'Wheres severus?'

'What about me? Arent a formidable partner?' theo said jumping in cannonballing next to her

'Theo! You are a formidable partner. Lets do this.' Lula smilng back at him as he splashed over at Lucius.

'Chicken fight?' Draco questioned

'Luci you have deprived your child of fun!' Lula declared. 'Alright stand here and spread your legs,' lula positioned draco in the midle of the pool. 'Dont move.' Lula nodded to lucius. 'Ready nott?'

'Always,' Theo answered and both men swam under lifting their partner up onto their shoulders.

'Thats my ass Nott.' Lula said adjusting on his shoulders

'I know' he smirked up at her before holding onto her thighs.

'always the flirt, Nott.' Lula remarked.

'What do we do?' Draco questioned already tipping from lucius shoulders severus came outside a smile quirked on his lips.

'Chicken fight?' Severus asked. Getting lula back even if she was still in love with tom... Following him down a path of darkness it was still good to have her back. She brought a certain light back to the dreary Malfoy manor.

'Sevy! You want winner?' Lula questioned

'Again what are we doing?' Draco questioned tipping off lucius' shoulders.

'Only if i can be your partner.' severus told her.

'Of course!'

'Hey what about me?' Theo questioned

'Okay draco,' lula said ignoring theo. 'You try and push me off nott while not falling off your father. Im going to do the same.'

'Easy enough,' draco said with a smirk. Draco was flopping back into the water within a moment. Lula raised her hands up victorious before nott tipped her back.

'Narcissa!' Lucius demanded.

'Oh i havent done that in years,' she said sheppishly

'Ive been in a coma for the past 14 years get your ass in here.' lula declared. 'Sevy your ass in here too.'

'Youre abandoning your reigning champion partner?' Theo questioned

'Sorry lovey,' lula said smiling at seveus as he came into the water. 'Sevy,' she coed pulling him deeper. Lucius looked like he was schemeing he didnt like to lose. 'Luci is gonna cheat so we are gonna cheat first.' Lula informed him

'What do you mean?' Severus questioned as she out her hands on his chest moving him deeper.

'Youre gonna kick his legs out from under him. Not technically cheating,' she wrapped her arms and legs around him no longer able to stand in the deep end, he savored the moment. 'Since you can fight back to help your upperhalf.'

'Ok,' was all he could manage as lula smiled up at him. So thats what severus did. Lula tapped her foot against his stomach as her hands pushed at narcissa and severus hooked his foot under lucius he stumbled back while narcissa fell to the pool with a splash.

'Lula!' Lucius shouted laughing

'I didnt do anything!' Lula reminded him

'Snape isnt sneaky enough to pull that off alone.' lucius reminded her.

'Sevy is pleanty sneaky.' she tipped off of him his fingers chasing after her legs as she plopped into the water.

'So this is the fun ive been missing?' Draco questioned smiling over at her. His friends giddy with excitement. They had never had this much fun before. Plus they all had a crush forming on Draco's newly brought back from the dead Aunt.

'This is the fun you should have been having since you were able to swim!' Lula corrected. 'Luci thank god i am back because honey you were lacking in the fun department.'

Darkness // Tom Riddle // Voldemort // (2.2)Where stories live. Discover now