Dragon Heart string

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Deathly hollows

'These are dark times there are no denying it our world has perhaps faced no greater threat then it has today but I say this to our citizens we are your servants will continue to defend your liberty and repel the forces that seek to take it from you. Your ministry remains strong.' Cameras flashed as the minister gave his speech it was a bunch of bullshit. Lula thought as she read the papers, the ministry and the minster didn't know anything. the ministry was filled with a bunch of people way out there league.

'Trixi you read this bullshit?' lula called tossing the paper in the air.

'Come on, the dark lord is waiting!' Bellatrix told her.

'Like they can start the meeting without me.' lula informed her.

The Death eaters meeting had started and severus was late having just met with the order he so desperately wanted to convince lula that this was all a bad idea that she needed to choose him, hell chose anyone but tom at this point or else she was going to get hurt in the crossfire.

There was a woman dangling behind the table Severus froze when he saw her, how could Lula be OK with this?

'Severus.' Lula said happily sitting next to Tom, their eyes meet and she smiled at him, she pat the seat next to her.

'I was beginning to wonder if you had Lost Your Way,' Tom said 'come we have saved you a seat...' Severus nodded moving to the chair next to lula. She gave his hand a squeeze as he sat down. 'You bring good news I trust?' Tom asked calmly

'It'll happen the Saturday of next at nightfall,' severus told him calmly

'I've heard differently, the auror has let it slipped that the Potter boy will not be moved until the 30th of this month the day before he turns 16.'

'This is a false Trail,' Severus assured him 'you know the auror office no longer plays any protection of Harry Potter.... Those closest to him believe we have infiltrated the ministry.'

'Well they got that right, don't they?' everyone laughed

'What say you pyus?' Tom questioned. The man at the office and the table Nagini slithered around

'One hears has many things my Lord whether the truth is among them is not clear.' Pyus answered.

'Spoken like a true politician' Tom laughed 'I think prove most useful Pyus. Where will you be taken, boy?' He turned to Severus

'To a safehouse, to the home of someone in the order. I'm told it has been given every matter of protection,' Severus told him 'once there it will be impractical to attack him.'

'My Lord,' Bellatrix said happily 'I would like to volunteer myself for this task I want to kill the boy.'

'Wormtail!' Tom shouted as a womans moans of Pain could be heard. 'Have I not told you about keeping our guest quiet?'

'Yes' he answered 'right away my lord,' worm tail ran off

'As inspiring as I find your blood lust Bellatrix, I must be the one to kill Harry Potter.' Tom said and Bellatrix sunk in her chair. 'But I face an unfortunate complication that my wand and potters share the same core.' He said holding it out. 'They are in some ways twins. We can wound but not fatally harm one another,' he put his wand down on the table 'if I'm to kill him I must do it with another's wand,' he walked around the table. 'Come surely one of you would like the honor? What about you Lucius?' he hissed, Lucius turned back to look at him

'My Lord?' Lucius questioned hesitantly.

'My Lord,' Tom agreed 'I require your wand' he held his hand out, lucius's face pinched as he took his wand his hand shaking as he gave it to him his head bowed.

'Do I detect Elm?'

'Yes my lord' Lucius confirmed. He ran his hands along the wand breaking the silver top off.

'And the core?' Tom questioned.

'Dragon heart string,' lula told him confidently as Lucius stammer and stuttered.

'Dragon heart string,' he looked to lula nervously

'Dragon heart string.' Tom repeated. He tossed the silver bit onto the table before testing out the wand. 'For those of you who do not know,' Tom used the wand to bring the floating woman forward. 'This is charity Burbage who as of most recently taught at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry her specialist was Muggle studies.' everyone laughed at that. 'It is Miss Burbages belief that Muggles are not so different from us. She would, given her way have us mate with them. To her the mixture of magical and Muggle is not an abomination but something to be encouraged.'

'Severus, Severus, please,' she murmured 'we are friends,' she told him and for a short moment Severus watched her pleading for her life. But Tom ended that quickly using Lucius's wand and killing the woman she dropped the table before Draco. Draco sniffled panic and fear coursing through him.

'Nagini,' Tom said as Nagini got up onto the table, 'dinner.' Tom said the snake slithered down the table in front of everyone opening its mouth and devouring the woman. Severus looked to lula and she looked bored, not concerned or worried but bored. She picked at her nails as her snake, the snake she adored devoured a woman right in front of her.

'We done?' lula questioned standing up.

'Lula?' Severus questioned following her out. She turned to him running a hand through his hair, he lost all words as her fingers trailed his scalp.

'Sevy?' she questioned letting her hand drop to her side. Still no words, she looked like his lula, talked like his lula, acted like his lula just now but before at the meeting... 'you did good. I'm proud of you sevy.' Lula told him kissing his cheek.

'Aunt lula?' draco questioned. 'Hello Professor.' Severus just turned back around to the balcony he didn't need the child to see him flustered like this.

'Hello sweetie, it's a beautiful night for a ride don't you think?'

Darkness // Tom Riddle // Voldemort // (2.2)Where stories live. Discover now