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Lula wanted to go with but Tom tried to sway her saying there were more important things and that Severus was no longer a boy she needed to protect but a man that had been doing fine without her. she didn't listen though she went to hospital with him.

'Panic attack, malnourished, dehydrated and lack of sleep.' The nurse told lula when she arrived.

'that's it? That's why he fainted?' lula questioned.

'is his job stressful?'

'Hes a teacher, a professor... hes on break right now.' lula told them.

'Perhaps home life is stressful causing him to be-'

'Thank you. You may leave.' Lula said walking over to him. 'Hey sevy, you gave me quite the scare.' Lula informed him running a hand through his hair.

'What happened?' he questioned dazed. 'Why are we at hospital? Are you alright?'

'Honey, honey,' she coed easing him back down into the hospital bed. 'its you that fainted.' She informed him.


'The nurse said it seemed as though you were malnourished, dehydrated, lack of sleep perhaps and had a panic attack.... is me being back causing you to have a panic attack Severus?' lula questioned.

'No, no I'm so happy you are back. It is what I have wished for and prayed for, for years.' He assured her.

'then what is going on sevy?'

'Nothing-' he began.

'You fainted right in front of me, don't say its nothing.' Lula told him.

'I don't know, ive just been stressed and then you came back and the past few months have been crazy and I haven't been taking care of myself apparently.' Severus told her. he wished to die, she had chosen Tom once again and he no longer wanted to live, to serve Voldemort.

'How did you manage 14 years without me?' lula questioned with a laugh.

'I would just like to go home.' Severus told her softly.

'I will bring you home and make you tea and tuck you in.' lula told him wrapping an arm around his waist. 'You ready?' he nodded leaning into her and lula did as she said she would. She aparated him back to his home at Hogwarts, made him some tea and got him comfortable in bed.

'Anything else I can do for you honey?' lula questioned taking the empty cup from him.

'Stay?' he questioned.

'Of course, I have to make sure you get a proper breakfast in the morning, don't need you fainting on me again.' Lula told him starting to slids in next to him, but stopped short. 'I should let Tom and Lucius know. I will be right back.' And before he could object she was gone.

'Snape alright?' Lucius questioned seeing his sister appear in the foyer.

'Panic attack, among other things.' lula told him. 'I'm going to stay with him tonight, keep an eye on him.' Lula informed him. 'wheres tom-'

'Right here love,' he said coming down the stairs, wrapping his arms around her. 'did I hear Severus is alright?' he asked but honestly couldn't care less.

'Yes, he will be. I'm going to stay with him tonight-'

'I will send a nurse to tend to him.' Lucius told her.

'No, I will do it. He is my friend and he needs a friend not a care taker.' Lula told her brother.

'I agree with Lucius,' Tom began.

'I don't care what you agree with Tom, I'm going to take care of him and make him breakfast in the morning, the nurse at the hospital said he was dehydrated and malnourished. I'm sure all of you are without my wonderful cooking,' she told them leaning up to kiss tom. 'I will be back tomorrow but he needs me tonight.'


'They might call you the dark lord, TOM, but lets make one thing perfectly clear... I am as I always have been and always will be the boss in this relationship.' She kissed his cheek before aparating away.

'I certainly did miss her spunk,' lucius said grinning after she left.

'Snape needs to realize she is mine. She has always been mine.' Tom told Lucius .

'Lula loves you as she always has, shes not choosing him. She has already chosen you.' Lucius reminded him. 'Severus is still her friend, and he is a loyal follower and double agent for you.'

'Double agent,' he scoffed. 'he has given me next to nothing on Albus since he started teaching at Hogwarts. He said it was to get an in when I came back, to gain their trust but I think otherwise. I think severus snape is a mole, I just have to prove it.'

'Lula wont like you hurting him.' Lucius reminded Tom.

'That's why I need proof and then Lula will kill him herself.'

'Youre back?' Severus said sitting up.

'I told you I would be.' Lula said sliding in next to him. 'get some rest sevy, I'm not going anywhere.'

Darkness // Tom Riddle // Voldemort // (2.2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora