No nose?

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''So... No nose?' lula questioned smiling up at him.

'I don't know... When I came back... It just-'

'didn't come with you?' lula teased. 'Ive always hated my thighs.' Lula reminded him

'I recall' tom said down to her, finger tracing up her bare legs. 'I still love them. I still love everything about you.'

'You were easy to love, you were handsome and kind and brilliant....' lula told him and he kissed her, 'and I was difficult and stubborn. You always made me feel special and loved. Warts and all'. She told him. 'Now its my turn. Warts and all i still love you tom riddle. I will always love you.'

'I have missed you.' he told her kissing her again and again. 'life without you wasn't living. Even in death I was still trying to get you back.'

'I glad you didn't give up on me. I would have been severely murderous had you moved on and had a wife and children that wasn't me.' lula informed him.

'its only ever been you.' he told her.

Severus felt even more lost than before. Tom was a decent man before all this but voldemort was venomus. Lula saw that. heard what he did all in her name and she still choose him. Now as they reconnected smiles and laughs filling the house as they made love. Severus had never wanted voldemort dead more. This was supposed to be his second chance. Dumbledore all but told him years ago that if Severus was around, if he showed Lula the light she would leave him, she would choose severus. but that wasn't the case. it hadnt been years for lula, years to get over tom and see all the pain he caused the destruction he did in her name. it was mere moments. She was still that girl madly in love and ready to marry tom riddle. But tom riddle was dead and gone. He died that day lula went under.

Lula was stirring her tea the next morning when severus got to the malfoy manor for a meeting, he had been at an order of the pheonix meeting the previous night and he stared at lula, her feet tucked under her, one knee up to her chest as she sat, stirring, stirring.

'Hello Sevy.' she said sweetly spinning on her chair to face him.

'Good morning lula.' maybe he could still change her mind.

'tom will be down in a bit, busy night last night,' she smriked back at him over her cup.

''oh,' severus still had it bad for her as she was still madly in love with tom, but he wasn't tom.

'its strange being back' she went on, taking a sip of her tea. 'the house needs some work but I understand luci was busy trying to bring me back to life... Hey where is dobby? Do you know?'

'Sock.' he muttered, remembering that potter had somehow gotten lucius to give dobby a sock. Lula was always kind to the house elf but after the curse lucius became a wicked man, hell bent on getting his sister back, he took his anger out on Dobby.

'Oh you like my socks?' she questioned laughing, that laugh. He missed that laugh, that smile. 'tom got them for me, says my feet are always freezing, they have little snakes on them, cute right?' lula couldn't see that severus's heart was breaking because she never saw that he loved her. that he wanted her from the first moment he met her.

She was it for him but Tom was it for her.

'lu-' he couldn't breathe, he felt light headed.

'you alright honey? You look more pale than me and ive been asleep for the past 14 years.' She informed him, her feet dropping to the ground as she got up.

'I just...' he watched her get closer, the words escaping him.

'You still need a hair cut, you and Lucius, goodness you hair.' she informed him reaching up for his hair, twirling it in between her fingers. Again, words were stuck in his throat. 'Severus?' she cocked her head to the side. He collapsed in front of her. had he been younger and smaller she could have caught him but alas he wasn't. she tried to grab him but she fell with him. 'LUCIUS!" she screamed and he came running down the stairs. She cradled his head in her lap.

'What the bloody hell happened?' lucius said kneeling before them.

'I don't know. He looked pale this morning and then he just collapsed.' lula told her brother. Tom was next to come down.

'Lula?' he questioned noticing severus in her lap.

'He collapsed.' she told him.

'Lucius get him to hospital.' tom said calmly. 

Darkness // Tom Riddle // Voldemort // (2.2)Where stories live. Discover now