Chapter five🫶🏼

Start from the beginning

I nodded and he sighed. "I'm sorry about last night but I gave you a phone for a reason. We all need you to be safe and that's why I and Luca got you this." He pulled out the same phone box that was in my room last night and placed it in my open hand.

I felt a bit stupid because I have no clue how to use one of these things. He took my confused state in and chuckled while grabbing the box. "I will teach you." He opened the box and pulled the black shiny iPhone out.

-🦋 (everyone says hi to bubbles or I kill it.🔫☺️)

After a few minutes, I figured out how to text and call people. "I know Luca said not to call me or him but you can call or text me whenever. I have missed you so much, and I'm sorry we couldn't find you sooner." He looked almost nervous as he stood up from my bed.

I started to mentally battle with myself before standing up as well. "Angelo. Thank you." He turned and I saw his lips twitch into a small smile. "No problem. Be safe please." I nodded and he smiled once more before leaving my room.

I grabbed my phone and quickly walked out of my room and down the stairs. The front door opened making me turn and be face-to-face with Alessandro. His eyes were red and his breathing was ragged, I know all too well that he was drunk.

Drunk men never end well for me...I gave him a small smile and his eyes softened when he looked at me. "I missed you, shorty." I looked at him, confused about why he called me that but he just shook his head.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Can...can I hug you? Please?" He opened his light green eyes which were flooded with hurt and redness. I don't want to be rude so I slowly nodded my head and not even two seconds later I was brought into a soft but warm hug.

I sat there for a few seconds, not knowing what to do with my hands. "You don't have to hug me back. Thank you." He pulled back and I found myself almost missing his warmth but I snapped out of it quickly.

Our heads snapped to the sound of arguing. Alessandro walked over to the kitchen and I walked behind him slowly. As we got closer I recognized the voices of Angelo and Salvatore.


"NO FUCK YOU! YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A STUCK-UP BITCH!" I looked over to see Alessandro just as shocked as I was. I never took Angelo for a yelling type. Part of me was scared but another part of me was worried that he would yell at me soon.

Suddenly we heard a glass break and Alessandro quickly ran into the kitchen. I started walking to the door and peeked inside the kitchen. I saw Angelo holding Salvatore by the collar of his shirt and I got small flashbacks of my mom.

"Stupid fucking slut! Really you wanna tell the school that I'm beating you?! Well, guess what no one will ever believe you!" I made the mistake of telling my teacher about the abuse, and the school called my mom.

She grabbed me by my shirt and threw me to the hard cement. "M-mom! I'm sorry! P-please..."

I shook my head and looked forward to seeing Alessandro grabbing Angelo off of Salvatore. "Stop it! If Luca hears you, we are all dead!" Alessandro whispered-shouted into Angelo's face making Angelo push Alessandro away from him.

"If Luca hears what?" My head snapped back to see Luca looking at me with no emotion. Just a blank stare. I looked back to see all of the guys looking at me. Salvatore was glaring at me and I quickly looked away.

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