Chapter four🫶🏼

Start from the beginning

I am so scared that I am going to eat and throw up or that it's all a trick and if I eat they will beat me. I looked around and felt my heartbeat increase as I tried to think quickly.

Mom always said I was fat...and Simon always told me that I didn't deserve food. I know I deserve food because everyone deserves it. But I physically couldn't eat, mentally I was at war with the past and the present.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a deep voice coming from the doorway. "Did you break her?!" I turned and saw Angelo glaring at Marco.

I shook my head, afraid that Marco would be hurt because of me. Angelo sighed and walked over to me. "Go eat darling." I forced myself to nod and allow Marco to guide me to what I thought was the dining room.

He pulled a chair out for me and I sat down being cautious of my back. He took a seat in front of me and looked at me with pity. I hate that look...that look when you know they know. It hurts on a different level.

I took a deep breath and grabbed the fork, I brought some noodles to my lips and slowly took a bite of the pasta. It was really good but I could feel my stomach start to flip just at the taste of it.

I heard a throat clear and looked up to see Marco looking at me in slight confusion. "You don't have to eat it if you aren't hungry. Take your time, there is no rush." He smiled at me and showed off his perfect smile. I felt my heart swell at his words and I nodded.

I took a few more bites while Marco was on his phone and then I felt full, too full. I slightly pushed my plate away causing Marco to look up. He glanced at my plate and smiled. "Good job. Why don't you go clean up before dinner? I will have Sergio bring you some clothes." I gave him a thankful smile as I got up.

As I was walking back to my room I heard a guitar being played from down the hall. I got curious and I walked to where the sound was coming from. I got to a slightly open door so I peeked inside, I know it's bad to stare but the way the music sounded, it just drew me in.

I saw Salvatore sitting on his bed with a beautiful blue and white electric guitar laying across his lap. He closed his eyes as he started to play again, I didn't recognize the song but it sounded familiar. I got a glance at his phone and saw the song 'Me and your Mama' pop up.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I stumbled and fell into Salvatore's room by accident. "Oh shit! Sorry!" Sergio tried to hide a laugh but I heard a slight chuckle.

I looked up to see Salvatore looking at me in anger. "Sergio. Get her out of here." I flinched slightly when he spoke, his voice dripped with anger and it made me realize that he really doesn't like me.

I pushed myself up from the ground and groaned in pain, my whole body felt like it was lit on fire. I almost forgot about my broken ribs and this didn't help. Once I got up both of the boys looked slightly concerned but when I looked at both of them they quickly changed to emotionless.

I turned to the door and Sergio smiled while letting me pass by him. I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment, as my body continued to burn due to pain. I walked into my room and took a big deep breath.

As I held my breath I felt my ribs only hurt more so I quickly let go and felt the pain return. I tried to hold my tears but it was no use, the pain was too much. I let a few tears slip as I bit my tongue to muffle the scream of pain that accidentally came out of my throat.

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