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"Boss he is talking too much and it's really annoying." The secretary immediately explained not wanting to make his boss suspicious.

Wang yibo who hates to be interrupted whenever he is doing something or talking ignored his secretary's annoying behaviour and pretended not to realise that his secretary was trying to hide something from him, he can think that he is smart but he couldn't fool him.

"The police are on the way, you can be taken away as for jin han i have unfinished business with him." Yibo said making jin han to panic, he still remembers perfectly well what wang yibo did to him month's ago and he will never let himself be in contact with wang yibo again if he is not the one in charge.

"No! Dad you can't let this man take me away! Let the police arrest me." Jin han who was really afraid and he looked at his dad like he is the only saviour, the only person who could save him from wang yibo clutches, it's better if he could stay in prison for the rest of his life rather than being close to this monstor called wang yibo.

"Mr yibo i know my son is not good enough, but he lived with you for year's, don't be so hard on him, he is the only descendent in my family." Jin han dad begged, yibo didn't say a word and the police officers arrived and took jin han dad away leaving jin han alone with wang yibo, jin han cries of also being taken away by the police were ignored.

"Your father's word's are true, you have lived in my family for year's just like a young master and member of my family, but what i didn't expect is you trying to kill my boyfriend and unborn baby, is that how a family member should treat others? If i wasn't there or i came a minute late, what could have you done? Your plan all along was to kill him right?" Yibo who never forgot that scary and haunting day and he will never forget asked.

"He provoked me first, if he didn't keep annoying me over and over again then i couldn't have taken such extreme measures." Jin han who will never admit his mistakes answered, from the start it was xiao zhan fault if he could have been good and stayed with him rather than forcing to break up with him, that not being enough he even went ahead and seduced wang yibo and the two started dating out of nowhere, that not being painful and hateful enough, xiao zhan became pregnant! If he knew earlier that xiao zhan has the ability to conceive then he couldn't have failed so easily and xiao zhan couldn't have come into contact contact with wang yibo!.

The only chance of him becoming the next heir of the wang property was destroyed and xiao zhan became very arrogant and chose to provoke him and manipulate wang yibo to kick him out of the family, he couldn't have gone as far as trying to kill xiao zhan, nothing like that could have happened if it wasn't xiao zhan provocation, at that time he hasn't even recovered his last life memories!.

"You still can't admit that you were wrong, you still blame someone who was defenceless and pregnant, he provoked you so what? Just take him as an immature kid and ignore him, but a heartless and ambitious man like you will do anything to achieve your goals even if it means to kill!" Yibo stop couldn't bring himself to accept the fact that jin han could go to an extra mile of trying to kill, he knew way earlier that jin han wasn't a good seed but he didn't expect it could be to an extent of committing murder.

"From the start you have been weary of me! Even if i could have ignored him, you already had other plans! You never wanted to give me the property! You didn't keep your promise! You promised me that i will be the next heir!" Jin han who finally had the chance to express his dissatisfaction answered, whether he could have killed xiao zhan or just ignore him wang yibo has already taken him out of the list! He could have never been the next heir, their is really no difference at all!.

"I once promised you because i haven't met the right person for me yet, i nurtured you well because i wanted you to be competent and be someone in future, i also told you to be hardworking, then later show me that without me you can still be someone, but do you remember what you did! You had plans of murdering the xiao family and taking their riches! I even started a new company and had you be the manager, do you know why? Its because i  wanted to make you the sole owner of the company, i hoped that you could change and in future you could nurture and teach my baby well! I don't want enemity, fights and scheming in my family but you failed me! You yourself destroyed everything from the start, you messed your life and chances!"

Wang yibo word's rendered jin han speechless, at first when yibo made him a manager of the new opened company he had the same thoughts of wang yibo having great expectations from him and he chose to prove to wang yibos that he is competent enough, wang yibo even called him and told him to attend a very important gathering and learn more from the businessmen who will attend, but he himself destroyed everything, he let insecurities and fear blind him and disappointed wang yibo who paved his way for him!.

"Wang yibo please give me another chance, one last chance and i won't let you down! I won't let my insecurities lead me astray!" Jin han begged.

"It's too late, i gave you several chances but you destroyed them with your own hands, your are a great danger to my family and the society, having you forever stay behind bars for the rest of your life just like ni mantian will be my last gift for you."

Yibo motioned his men to take jin han away and he also left, when people said money can change people for the better or worse it was really true, a good example is jin han he is ready to do anything for money.

"Take me to the company first, i need to have have a proper shower and clean myself." Yibo instructed his secretary then closed his eye's to rest, for the past week he has been busy and he hasn't had enough rest or sleep.

REBIRTH (HAVE A GOOD ENDING)✅☑️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon