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Wang yibo had his men monitor jin han, and now that he knew the hide out of mr shan and even had a mole join mr shan premises without mr shan and jin han knowing, yibo who listened mr shan and jin han plan was very furious, they could do anything to him, but no one is allowed to include xiao zhan!.

In a blink of an eye a month and half passed, xiao zhan is already three months pregnant and within two weeks he will officially be four month's! Nothing serious happened everything has been very smooth and xiao zhan has been very happy, he had alot of regrets, he wished he knew wang yibo early so that he could be this happy, get pampered like a baby and be spoiled too! His hubby doesn't mind if he throws a tantrum! He is always patient with him and he always forgets himself at times but his boyfriend never complained once.

"How are you feeling today? You promised to cook for me or have you forgotten?" Yibo asked xiao zhan who was lying on the bed lazily exposing his slightly bulging tummy and was busy playing games on his phone, ignoring wang yibo who has wore finished his pending work at the home office.

Yibo stopped going to the company and let his secretary who is professional enough to take care of thing's that doesn't need his interventions, by the end of the day every day, the secretary will come and spend an hour or two speaking with his boss, yibo guides and signs important documents, talks on the phone with important clients and also discusses important matters with his secretary.

The secretary who was given more work was about to refuse but when his deducted bonus was recovered and this time the bonus will be tripled and not only that his monthly salary was also doubled! He couldn't refuse such an offer and promised his boss to do his work more diligently! He will no longer slack off! And from then on the secretary who was given such an important work because his boss has to take care of his pregnant partner worked hard.

The secretary eats dog food every day he comes at his boss house to talk about business and hand over documents for review! His boss intentionally talks and brags about his beautiful boyfriend and how he won over him even without any experience or knowledge before! The secretary who has experience about dating and is still single cried without tears for his injured heart injury that is still rubbed by salt every day with his boss words!.

His boss doesn't have to brag every day right? When the right time comes he will also find someone trustworthy to be with not just a person who will be with him just because he worked at a very good company that is well known all over the world and its the only business that will determine the economy of the country and some parts of the world! Getting a chance to work in such a company is such a honor! And someone like xiao zhan who is now dating the boss of such a successful business and carrying the future heir is so lucky! And that luck man who can make be envied and make alot of enemy for capturing the man who has millions of admires has no idea that his boyfriend is very very rich!.

"I will cook for you later, now it's nine o'clock in the morning, i will prepare lunch and we can eat together! Tell aunty not to bother preparing lunch today, just let this experienced chef cook today." Zhan who was still playing with his phone answered, yibo took zhan phone away, then placed his hand on xiao zhan exposed and distended tummy.

Kissing xiao zhan eyebrows yibo spoke.

"You just prepare my share, let the aunty prepare your meals, she is well experienced and is specifically hired to monitor your nutrition intake and the right food to eat during your pregnancy."

Zhan didn't refute wang yibos word's, he obediently nodded his head, he has always been a good boy who listens to his caring boyfriend word's forgetting that he has been a real nuisance especially now that he is pregnant.

Jin han thought within day's but he really undesirable wang yibo kicks and punches, the internal injuries he sustained forced him to stay for more than a month, then stay more day's to finally regain his energy and be able to feel his old self again.

Jin han didn't waste time, his first target is xiao zhan parent's, he had some of his fathers men secretly spy on xiao zhan parent's and for the few day's that he was waiting for an answer he didn't just sit still but called the people he knew and working at the wang cooperation Pentagon wanting to get support from them once his plan has succeeded. And just as he expected everything went smoothly.

Today he got a call from the people watching the xiao family and informed him that the two left their house and went out for a date without any security just the two of them and a driver, jin han was ecstatic, taking care of the two seems to be easy than expected, just hijack their car kidnap them, force them to sign the documents he has then eliminate them. Jin han had no idea that he was already planned long ago, the so called driver isn't just a driver but someone once jin han dad get to know wouldn't dare to cross path with.

He decided to personally lead the group and he got all the necessary thing's that were needed he carried a knife and a gun planning to use both to make none of the two will survive, he doesn't want to take any chances.

Instructing where they could intercept mr xiao car, jin han left his father's premises and joined the group that was to take action against the xiao family members. And just as to what he was told he saw the xiao family car and they were no other cars following.

"Make no mistake, just do what we planned and finish this quickily, once everything is done just crash the car and make sure the bodies couldn't be intact." Jin han instructed.

"Yes young master." The five men that came with jin han answered, jin han was in the middle of the five guy's, talk out their pistol, jin han and his gang stopped the car coming towards them aiming their pistols towards the coming car. Jin han could clearly see the driver and the two middle aged people at the back of the car being all nervous and scared, he could even see them trembling.

"Get out the car! Be quick else my hand might slip!" Jin han shouted.

The car doors was opened at the same time and the next second the five people standing beside jin han were lying on the ground on a pool of blood dead! Jin han froze and the pistol he was holding fell down when a bullet passed very near to his right ear deafening him and the bullet grazed his shoulder too.

"What you even got fooled with our disguise! My acting has really improved!" One of the young men who was pretending to be xiao zhan mother said and removed the mask that looked exactly like xiao zhan mother, his hand holding a pistol with a silencer. Jin jan couldn't believe he got tricked and the three people infront of him doesn't look so simple!.

"Y-you!" Jin han who didn't know what to say shouted in fear while moving back.

"Our work is done here let's get going, he was to remain alive so we won't kill him." The driver who seems to be the leader of the two said, the three entered the car and drove away like nothing happened leaving the scared jin han alone.

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