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Thinking carefully in his last life he came to know about his father, he is a dangerous man who does illegal business and well feared, in his last life he helped him do a thing or two, he came to know that her mother ran away from his father after knowing the kind of business his father was doing, jin han knew he has no other choice, finding a way to call his dad so that he could rescue him from the hospital as soon as possible, once he recovers, the wang and xiao family won't be spared he is lucky enough to regain his last life memories, the door where he was admitted was opened and a young nurse came inside, jin han knew this is his only chance.

"Beautiful nurse help me with your phone i want to call my relatives, it's important." Jin han said.

The nurse is new at the hospital and at the same time a student, she came to the hospital a week ago for her internship, the young girl who was in her early twenties didn't refuse and took out her phone, jin han who has memories of his last life luckily remembers his dad phone number, thanks to wang yibo for beating him up and he almost died and after waking up he regained his last life memories, even if xiao zhan might be reborn, he is not that smart when he compares to him.

Jin han had the nurse type the number of his dad, then he had the nurse go out so that he could have some privacy, the nurse didn't refuse, she knows this floor is for the rich, ordinary and second class families will never be able to be admitted in such a place, only blessed people can be admitted here.

Jin han talked with his dad explained shortly and two hours later jin han mysteriously dissapeared from the hospital, yibo heard the news that jin han was taken out of the hospital by some unknown men, yibo smirked when he heard the news, yibo had high hopes for jin han, since he had no plans of marrying or having kids before, he even told jin han that he is going to make him the next heir of wang cooperation, but what he didn't expect that such word's will make jin han to show his real self, ambitious and very dangerous, he decided to change his mind after seeing what jin han was capable of, he decided not to make such a man his next heir even before he met xiao zhan.

And now that jin han messed everything up got himself, he doesn't have to be careful and considerate like before, he expect for jin han to do something once he wakes up from his coma and had his men watch him closely, what he didn't expect his is that jin han could even know and get mixed up with his biology father, but it was no threat, he has always wanted to deal with illegal and dangerous business that this group has been doing for year's and now it will be easier with jin han opening the nest for him.

If he really wanted jin han couldn't leave the hospital but he let jin han go, he knows what jin han must be thinking at the moment and that is trying to harm xiao zhan and with how jin han is he will obviously not let xiao zhan parent's go, and the wang family, jin han will also try to cause trouble and that will be through some unwanted rats in the company who he has been patient enough to tolerate them, he has been patient enough and gave them warnings and now he is going to completely eliminate them without thinking twice.

Yibo had some of his men secretly protect the xiao family and he also personally called xiao zhan dad and informed him to be careful together with his wife, and that includes the maids in their house too, Mr xiao listened to wang yibos word's, within a week of investigation he kicked out all the maids in the family and only left the nanny who used to take care of xiao zhan since he was young.

Zhan was surprised when he was told that he will be living with wang yibo, his luggage was brought over by his nanny and that not being enough he was informed that he will not be going back to college until he has given birth!.

"You tell me why you did this? It's so unfair to me! I want to study and depend on myself, i don't want to depend on other's!" Zhan who was obviously not happy demanded for an answer, in his last life he followed jin han everywhere, did what jin han did, and he ended up dropping out of school because finance wasn't really his calling, it was only because he wanted to be close to his boyfriend, and his stupidity led to tragedy, now he doesn't want to make the same mistake, he wants to be someone who can depend on himself in the society and now wang yibo is suddenly telling him he has to stop going to college.

"It's not safe for you now, yourself pregnant now and anything can happen." Yibo didn't want to mention jin han, ni mantian is already dealt with and will never appear infront of xiao zhan or anyone else the only person remaining is jin han and he wants to use that brat to eliminate all pending dangers in future.

"Iam pregnant not having a terminal illness! We are just boyfriend's and you have no right to make decisions for me! I don't want to have a man in my life who is mean and selfish, wang yibo let's just quit it here."

Yibo immediately frowned and pulled xiao zhan in his arms and hugged him tightly so that he couldn't break free and walk away, grabbing xiao zhan chin tightly, he kissed zhan lips roughly and deeply, zhan struggled but ended up giving up and let his boyfriend assault his lips, seeing that xiao zhan stopped struggling, his kiss became gentle, zhan body softened and he responded to  the kiss, the two broke the kiss and yibo possessively caressed zhan cheeks, his other free hand gently pinching xiao zhan sensitive waist.

"Let it be the last time for you mentioning the word break up, if you dare leave me, then i will find you and forever lock you up!" Yibo whispered and nibbled zhan earlobe, zhan body shuddered and he subconsciously nodded his head, waiting for xiao zhan to calm down yibo chose to tell xiao zhan the truth.

"It's not that iam being selfish, iam doing this for your own safety, jin han escaped from the hospital and he will surely try to hurt you again, being with me and stop going to college will surely protect you from any danger and i will clean up jin han once and for all." Yibo added, zhan froze, jin han escaped?.

"My parent's! No i need to go back!" Zhan still remembers it's jin han who killed his parent's and now that he failed to kill him and messed everything up, he will surely try to kill the people he cares about before finding ways to eliminate him too.

"Don't worry i already prepared everything, nothing will happen to your parent's, apart from having my men protect tgrm, the security around the house is also tight and i have already informed your parent's to be careful."

Xiao zhan was surprised wi.obh wang yibo word's, in his last life his parent's died without knowing that they will get killed so that they could take precautions but now even without him wang yibo planned everything, wang yibo is really his guardian angel.

"Thank you hubby, you also be careful jin han is a dangerous person and cunning too, don't try to take any chances." Zhan answered, his family and him died early, he has no idea what happened next after his death, he is not sure if jin han also dealt with wang yibo and his boyfriends dad, one person he won't take any chances on is jin han the ealier jin han will be dealt the safer his family and other's will be.

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